Not your typical ’alternative health’ show, Alfacast is a weekly discovery into the often misunderstood realms of real science, nature and the human condition. Dr. Lando and Mike Winner cover an assortment of topics from a unique perspective seldom heard in today’s counter culture echo chamber.

Friday Aug 07, 2020
#57 - Being The Bridge To The New World w/ Sayer Ji
Friday Aug 07, 2020
Friday Aug 07, 2020
Sayer Ji is the founder of GreenMedInfo, an author, activist, speaker, and widely recognized thought leader in the natural health and wellness space. He is also a reviewer at the International Journal of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine, co-founder and CEO of Systome Biomed and advisor to the National Health Federation, Sayer created GreenMedInfo.com in 2008 with a vision to provide consumers and health care professionals with evidence-based, clinical data without the complexity of searching and navigating multiple health institutions.
He has recently released his amazing book, "Regenerate" which is the culmination of his life's work up until now. We discuss this great work and how it, along with his message of radical resilience is acting as a bridge between the old paradigm and new.
Show Links:

Friday Jul 31, 2020
#56 - Using Walter Russell's Science To Heal w/ Dr. Tim Binder
Friday Jul 31, 2020
Friday Jul 31, 2020
Chiropractor-Naturopath, Dr. Timothy A. Binder, past president of The University of Science & Philosophy and author joins us on this episode of Alfacast to dive deep into the science and philosophy of Walter Russell and explains how we can apply his universal truths and mechanics to optimize our daily health for both our own bodies and the greater community around us. Here at Alfa Vedic we perceive the study of 'Wave Geometry' as the missing link within conventional science, and are deeply honored to have the author of "In the Wave Lies the Secret of Creation", Dr. Binder join us for this very 'enlightening' conversation.

Thursday Jul 23, 2020
#55 - Crypto 3.0 For Dummies w/ John McAfee & The QORTAL Project
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Are cryptocurrencies the wave of the future for economic freedom or a trap for global centralization of wealth? We break it down with special guests John McAfee & Jason Crowe from the QORTAL blockchain project! As we move into the new post-COVID reality, the war on cash has become increasingly apparent as businesses and governments make the move to ban it for daily commerce. The new digital money of the future can go in many directions and we know cryptocurrencies will play a major role in that. Is this a good or bad thing? With companies like Google and Facebook vying for blockchain dominance while Bitcoin and others stand for sovereignty, what really is the truth? We will navigate this topic with special guests Jason Crowe from the QORTAL blockchain project and internationally known crypto rebel rouser John McAfee.

Thursday Jul 16, 2020
#54 - Healing Our Disconnect w/ Charles Eisenstein
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Charles Eisenstein, one of the most prolific writers and speakers of our time shares his insights & solutions to meet the challenges presently facing humanity. From an early age Charles asked questions that societal institutions and world leaders failed to address. As a Yale graduate in mathematics & philosophy his growing awareness of ecological devastation and social injustice dissuaded him from whole-heartedly embracing a normal career. Charles early quest found him working in Taiwan as a Chinese translator while immersing into an eclectic investigation of Eastern spiritual traditions, health, nutrition, globalization, spirituality, physics, and biology. His internationally acclaimed books, The More Beautiful World our Hearts Know is Possible, Sacred Economics and The Ascent of Humanity share Charles vision of a better world that awaits us all. We are indeed honored to have Charles join us, and we know many of you are equally looking forward to this episode.

Friday Jul 10, 2020
#53 - The Biggest Illusion Of Our Time w/ Max Igan
Friday Jul 10, 2020
Friday Jul 10, 2020
Max Igan has long been a voice of reason in these times of end-game madness. Max's perceptive insights into the world of geopolitics have made him one of the most sought-after speakers within the truth media, while simultaneously earning him the status of "most-censored" amidst the present climate of unprecedented information inversion and suppression. As a radio host, musician, artist and film-maker Max is the curator of his website, 'The Crowhouse', a depository of his immense body of work including thought-provoking videos, music and projects. Max feels that what happens in America is echoed strongly in his Australia homeland, and if America falls from within, then so will his country fall. For this reason Max remains outspoken in the name of what is right, regardless of the consequences. We discuss this and much much more on this episode of Alfacast!

Friday Jul 03, 2020
#52 - We Are The Light & Reality Is Ours To Change w/ Ole Dammegard
Friday Jul 03, 2020
Friday Jul 03, 2020
Truth Seeker, Code Breaker and Peacemaker Ole Dammegard, awarded the Prague Peace Prize, and adopted by the Apache Nation, is an author, International speaker, former journalist, musician (2 solo albums), composer (TV, and a short film), artist, inventor and investigator, who has dedicated the last 35 years to researching many of the global conspiracies. Millions of viewers and listeners around the world have taken part of his interviews and presentations. His main focus has been to find out the truth about the assassinations of JFK, the Swedish Prime minister Olof Palme, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, John Lennon and Lady Di, plus the hundreds of alleged mass shootings and terror attacks such as 911, Norway, Oklahoma City and many, many more. He is an International Raj Yoga teacher and the author of 4 books, including what has been named a Master Piece; Coup d’etat in Slow Motion, Part I-II, as well as receiving awards for his air brush art work and custom car creation. In addition, as a young man he was quite an adventurer, who after having traveled alone on an old bicycle through Europe, helped to smuggle out some friends from war-torn Iran (1984), beautifully described in the true story ‘Shadow of Tears’.

Thursday Jun 25, 2020
#51 - What Really Makes Us Ill w/ David Parker & Dawn Lester
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Dawn Lester and David Parker have backgrounds in the fields of Accountancy and Electrical Engineering, respectively. These fields both require an aptitude for logic, which proved extremely useful for their investigation that has involved more than ten years continuous research to find answers to the question: what really makes people ill? Free from the dogma and biases inherent within ‘medical science’, their logical approach to investigation allowed an unbiased discovery process to reveal the flaws within the conventional illness and disease mindset that is promulgated by the medical establishment. The results of their investigation are revealed within their book: WHAT REALLY MAKES YOU ILL? WHY EVERYTHING YOU THOUGHT YOU KNEW ABOUT DISEASE IS WRONG.

Friday Jun 19, 2020
#50 - COVID-19 & The Infectious Myth w/ David Crowe
Friday Jun 19, 2020
Friday Jun 19, 2020
The world is now under the delusion of a deadly new virus that has emerged from wild bats in China. To date, the purification and characterization of the alleged RNA identifier for COVID-19 is embarrassingly flawed, replete with false positives and circumstantial at best. David Crowe is the host of The Infectious Myth podcast and his paper, Flaws in Coronavirus Pandemic Theory, is a timely must-read. David discusses problems with testing for COVID-19 and why we can't necessarily believe what we hear when it comes to statistics on the situation with it. David has emerged as one of the most influential voices in uncovering the truth behind current pandemic fears through his brilliant research and insightful writing.

Friday Jun 12, 2020
#49 - Walter Russell & Cosmic Consciousness w/ Matt Presti
Friday Jun 12, 2020
Friday Jun 12, 2020
We're most delighted to have Matt Presti, President of the University of Science & Philosophy return to Alfacast to delve further into the work of the greatest luminary in 2000 years, Walter Russell. On his last visit Matt shared the basic precepts of Russell's cosmogony, and gave us a glimpse of energy-efficient technologies now in the works. We'll travel deeper down the Russell rabbit hole this time to reveal what could be the remedy to every issue we presently witness through world events. The most critical element of this science-based perspective is the inescapable conclusion that each and every one of us is the solution we seek. Dr. Walter Russell’s teachings give to mankind, a scientific and “living” philosophic understanding of man himself, the mind of man, the soul of man and his relationship to the “Universal One”. The unfoldment of the “coming sense” or new faculty, commonly referred to as “cosmic consciousness,” stands before mankind in this dawning electric age. It is ours for the asking.

Thursday Jun 04, 2020
#48 - SuperWellness & Mastering Our Reality w/ Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan, L.Ac. is a doctor of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture and author of the Amazon #1 bestselling book SuperWellness. As a practitioner, she's known for her extraordinary success helping athletes achieve optimal health & high performance. Dr. Edith is also a Level III practitioner of Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection and one of only 300 Certified High Performance Coaches in the world. In addition to Holistic Medicine, Dr. E has devoted her life to exploring the frontiers of our human potential, with focus on personal growth, breathwork and meditation, which she shares on her podcast "the Dr. E Show". In this episode of Alfacast she takes us on a journey of personal experiences into the realms of true inner growth and spiritual development and how these revealed moments of clarity and growth led her to childbirth, awakening and helping the world understand what it truly takes to experience SuperWellness!