Not your typical ’alternative health’ show, Alfacast is a weekly discovery into the often misunderstood realms of real science, nature and the human condition. Dr. Lando and Mike Winner cover an assortment of topics from a unique perspective seldom heard in today’s counter culture echo chamber.

Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
#167 - The Moral Calamity Of Carnism w/ Henna Maria
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
International human & animal rights activist, Henna Maria rejoins Alfacast to discuss how we may better honor the essence & purpose of the Creature Class within our Realm.
Henna Marie returns to further explore the practice of carnism and its origins. Some suspect Veganism to be a trending ploy to purposely weaken our bodies & vitality, but is animal protein actually necessary? Such discussions are perhaps the most "triggering" of all subjects regardless of which side of the culinary fence you reside, but your Alfacast hosts never shy from a provocative conversation.
Activist and medicine woman Henna Maria will expose the insidious ways in which animals continue to be de-souled in our collective psychology. The debate of dietary choices is left hollow at its core, when it lacks the comprehension of the spiritual consequences of enslaving and eating animals. Henna will shed light on the contracts imposed on humanity and the conditions that are inflicted on our collective reality through this violent practice.
Henna Maria grew up in a tiny town in a Finnish forest, but her calling to explore the world led to an adventurous path of self-discovery and activism beginning at age 16. Henna Maria's early travels ranged from helping the homeless in San Francisco to her work with Amnesty International, and University studies in Translation Science and Psychology that eventuated as a simultaneous interpreter in UN peace keeper trainings.
" Is it love to remain silent and watch the world burn?"
In Henna Maria's own words "as an interpreter one has no voice, and I had a message of my own to share. In 2011, I started to find my true voice and the spiritual dimension of life began to reveal itself to me."
"My search to comprehend the inner and outer landscapes of life eventually took me to the cradle of indigenous wisdom, the Amazon Rainforest." Together with her husband, she moved to Peru, and immersed in five years of learning ancestral healing arts with the Shipibo tribe, specializing in the art of icaros - songs of prayer and healing.
In 2019 Henna MariaI founded Dawn of Peace, bringing together her love for activism and spirituality, and began forming a collective of peace makers, with the capacity to address a diversity of world issues from a holistic and compassionate perspective.
"Our mission is to teach people about the spiritual reality of life, human and animal rights, medical freedom and self-sovereignty."
In response to a rising trend in government totalitarianism Henna Maria co-founded the international Police For Freedom movement - educating police and civilians about our natural rights, in order to build unity and rehumanise our societies.
Henna Maria states, "As a true lover of humanity, my heart rejoices at the sight of golden threads of human connection being weaved across the world right now. Through excruciating pain, we are finding our sacred boundaries again. We are remembering our purpose and our place in this Creation. It is with great honour and gratitude that I carry the medicine of the ancients and continue to walk the path of service."
Show links:
Save BIG on your Brown's Gas AquaCure Machine by using the coupon code "alfavedic' at checkout here: https://eagle-research.com/product/ac50/

Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
#166 - Be Inspired For The Breakthrough Moment w/ Jean Nolan
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Jean Nolan is a Country Music artist, songwriter & inspirator touching hearts and souls everywhere.
“Today more than ever we need truth, authenticity, inspiration and most of all a solid relationship with the Creator”.
Jean is co-founder of the Inspired Channel with wife Kristin Nolan, who are self-described parents, inspirators, free spirits, creators and teachers whose mission is to inspire you to find your true power.
As a songwriter, artist and inspirational speaker Jean finds his purpose in inspiring others to live theirs. Jean & Kristin together have creatively expanded their knowledge sharing networks through the immensely popular Inspired podcasts, life coaching events and InpiredChannel.net.
Our story is filled with love, adventure and the unconditional desire to always learn, grow and expand and never shy away from the contrast that assists us in doing that.
Whether speaking to the darker side of the globalist agenda, matters of health, politics or ominous prophecies from the past Jean masterfully does so from a context of spirituality and the reality of self-determination.
"When everything on the outside gets really chaotic, it could be a sign that we're close to a breakthrough moment."
No doubt, this is an episode not to be missed, as Jean is here to EMPOWER YOU to connect to source, God, The Universe, and hear your own guidance system for the confidence and the tools to live the life of your dreams.
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Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
#165 - Breaking The Chains Of Historical Cycles w/ Jason Breshears of Archaix
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
In this much-anticipated sequel Jason Breshears from Archaix.com sheds timely light on the true nature of our technological Realm through a lens of current events. Many of us are now aware of the mass changes just visible on the collective horizon.
Why has the most basic knowledge concerning the nature of our realm been guarded by a select few, and increasingly transparent to some while meeting scathing rebuff by those not yet up to task? We'll most definitely entertain these questions, and as per Jason's request, address a compilation of queries curated from the AV community at large.
For those new to Jason's work familiarize yourself with his foundational research & concepts introduced in Alfacast Part 1: Are We In A False Reality Simulacrum? w/ Jason Breshears.
While Jason's Simulation Theory may be a stretch for some, the depth & breadth of his informational base is formidable, while some of the conclusive links drawn are undeniable.
"History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce."
~ Karl Marx
Your Alfacast hosts have more than touched upon the possible origins of our experience in a good number of presentations, albeit from a perspective of pro-active attributes Sourced from individual & collective Consciousness.
Is the very idea of an Artificial Construct/Intelligence dooming humanity to repeated cycles of destruction a nihilistic notion or could it be a purposeful evolutionary cog in our journey toward Self-Realization. This talk is not to be missed!
Show links:
Save BIG on your Brown's Gas AquaCure Machine by using the coupon code "alfavedic' at checkout here: https://eagle-research.com/product/ac50/

Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
#164 - Wetiko: Mind Virus Or Agent Of Change? w/ Paul Levy
Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
Has a Spell been caste upon the unsuspecting masses? Does the apparent mass-psychosis of an allegedly sentient species suggest a stealth contagion both insidious and pernicious? The concept is not new, and Native Americans went so far as to coin the term Wetiko to acknowledge the phenomenon.
Wetiko is a cannibalizing force driven by insatiable greed, appetite without satisfaction, consumption as an end in itself, and war for its own sake, against other tribes, species, and nature, and even against the individual’s own humanity.
Paul Levy has thoroughly dissected this issue with his two ground-breaking works Wetiko: Healing the Mind-Virus That Plagues Our World and Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil. On this episode Paul guides us on a journey of freedom through the portal of awareness.
Paul attended State University of New York at Binghamton receiving degrees in both economics and studio art. While an undergraduate, he was hired by Princeton University to do research in economics. When he graduated college, he stopped his studies in economics and pursued his career in art, moving out to the Bay Area, where he was both making, and teaching art.
"It is a disease of the soul, and being a disease of the soul, we all potentially have Wetiko, as it pervades and “in-forms” the underlying field of consciousness."
Common to many trail blazers of the Spirit, Paul had a life-changing spiritual awakening following an ntense personal trauma in which he began to recognize the dreamlike nature of reality.
In 1993, after many years of struggling to contain and integrate his non-ordinary experiences, Paul started to openly share his insights on how life is a shared waking dream that we are all co-creating and co-dreaming together.
"Wetiko induces in us a proclivity to see the source of our own pathology outside of ourselves—existing in “the other.” Wetiko feeds off of polarization and fear—and terror—of “the other.”"
As a Tibetan Buddhist practitioner for over 30 years, he has intimately studied with some of the greatest spiritual masters of Tibet and Burma and served as the coordinator of the Portland chapter of the Padma Sambhava Buddhist Center for over twenty years. Paul is the founder of the Awakening in the Dream Community in Portland, Oregon.
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Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
#163 - Who/What Determines Our Reality? w/ Howdie Mickoski
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
How much of our life and experience is actually a by-product of self-determination? Are most unwittingly following a life-script written by others with less than benevolent intentions? Do these "others" insidiously operate on an unseen plane?
Our guest, Howdie Mickoski, brings deep insight to these questions as a historian, author and spiritual seeker. He is the author of several books, his most recent being "Exit the Cave: Ending the Reincarnation Trap". After 25 years researching ancient civilizations, spiritual traditions and history to reveal the lies within them, now he has turned his attention to the nature of reality itself.
What is history, death, or consciousness? Using movies like Dark City, explorations into the creation stories of the Gnostics and Cathars, Plato's Cave, and the examination of near-death-experiences he hopes to find new pieces of the jigsaw puzzle to locate our true inner power.
"Question your thoughts, beliefs, reality, and the history of this world, think for yourself about what you know and believe, and why you have come to those concepts. "
Be prepared to go deep and be ready for unexpected twists as all topics from the holographic layers of reality beyond the material curtains, the mystery of the hidden sun, and free energy technology in ancient architecture is all up for discussion.
Show links:
Save BIG on your Brown's Gas AquaCure Machine by using the coupon code "alfavedic' at checkout here: https://eagle-research.com/product/ac50/

Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
#162 - Hydrogen, The Breath Of God w/ George Wiseman
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Why is hydrogen referred to as the God molecule? This will be the subject of this Alfacast, and what inventor, George Wisman will share could very well be a game-changer for your personal health & well-being.
George grew up as a cowboy in British Columbia, where hard work and jack-of-all-trades skills weren't an option. His upbringing parlayed perfectly into a knack for inventiveness, and future innovations that would improve the quality of life for thousands in generations to come.
62% of the human body is hydrogen, and most of the ailments of man are either caused by or exacerbated by hydrogen deficiency.
George began working with Brown’s Gas in 1986, and has since developed technologies that make use of this miraculous gas for Fuel Saving, Torch-Fuel Gas, and Radioactive Neutralization. What's more, his inventions are patent-free so his knowledge remains readily available to anyone wishing to duplicate his creations.
George has become an expert in Browns’ Gas, also known as HHO or HydrOxy, with a primary focus on the industrial and energy-saving aspects that would eventually lead to the realization of the astonishing health benefits that occur when inhaled, and drinking infused water.
Compromised energy reserves lead to illness, but Brown's Gas solves this energy crisis. Mr. Wiseman's current focus for the application of Brown's Gas is HydrOxy for health, and his practical & safe technology is fast becoming one of the most important innovations of all time.
Show links: https://eagle-research.com/
Save BIG on your Brown's Gas AquaCure Machine by using the coupon code "alfavedic' at checkout here: https://eagle-research.com/product/ac50/

Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Barre & Mike are back for another in-house chat, and we have a lot to catch up on! Mike has returned from a fabulously successful Music & Sky event that left all attendees elated & inspired with a deepened realization that truth-seekers in Resonance can indeed create Heaven on Earth.
Just for grins, we thought we'd share a behind-the-scenes timeline of the evolution of Alfa Vedic, what fuels our passion and ultimate intentions. We'll catch you up on everything AV news-worthy: the new AV Membership platform, upcoming workshops here at Alfa Vedic Gardens, the new AV Business center and Barre & Deb Lando's new Off-grid Elegance video series that will chronicle a full year of self-sufficiency adventures here at the farm for an intimate view of the off-grid farming lifestyle in a beautiful wilderness setting.
We'll cap it off with a discussion on how to live Scientifically through Applied Resonance when freed from NeoScience mind-control.
Next week we'll begin a new series of Alfacasts with a stellar guest list beginning with George Wiseman, as we explore the Fourth State of Water, known as Brown's Gas and it's game-changing potential for both human health and energy freedom.
Show links:
👉 You can join the Music and Sky community today at https://community.musicandsky.com
Save BIG on your Brown's Gas AquaCure Machine by using the coupon code "alfavedic' at checkout here: https://eagle-research.com/product/ac50/

Monday Oct 10, 2022
#160 - Greening The Grid w/ Mitch The Orgone Donor
Monday Oct 10, 2022
Monday Oct 10, 2022
Our favorite atmospheric warrior, the intrepid Mitchell Joseph aka "Mitch the Orgone Donor", returns to Alfacast. Mitch has been busy since we last talked, so prepare to be dazzled by what he will share.
"I've dedicated my life to creating and gifting thousands of orgone energy devices to the planet in an effort to help raise humanity's consciousness and end the planetary geo- engineering agenda."
Are Mitch's efforts actually re-greening the deserts of Arizona and mitigating weather modification efforts to manufacture drought & floods, while neutralizing chem-trail contaminants? We've done our own Orgone research, witnessed the evidence and had a few experiences of our own, so convincing us wasn't a hard sell.
Perhaps the most grave issue facing every lifeform within in our realm is weather weaponization coupled with the atmospheric aerosoling of noxious synthetics and the overlay of microwave grids affecting our very consciousness. We needn't sit back as hapless victims, and Mitch will reveal the technologies now critical to employ in every community worldwide.
As a consciousness-driven science nerd, I'm fascinated by the the work of the late Wilhelm Reich, the man credited with discovering the life force energy of the universe, which he coined as Orgone.
Mitch gives his research and the devices freely in what he refers to as his Matrix job. He does so from the kindness of his heart and personal resources to see the end to geoengineering, purposeful consciousness suppression, and the predatory practices of illegitimate authorities.
Show links:
Join us at Music and Sky this year, limited $50 off your ticket with the code, ALFAVEDIC

Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
#159 - The Blueprints For Mind Control w/ James True
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
James True has delved deeply into the engineered psyche of our species that is presently leading large swaths of the human collective in march-step precariously close to the cliff's edge. An eclectic in the truest sense, part author-poet, wildlife activist & self-taught techie, whichever endeavor catches James interest is most definitely guided by the cosmic muse.
In James provocative work Blueprints for Mind Control he accurately concludes awareness to be the only possible antidote for the induced maya of the controllers. Be certain that we'll dissect the tools of the spellcraft trade, but central to our roundtable is that our mass-trauma is a 100% perception-based ailment.
"I earned my Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy/Religion while serving in the US Navy as a sub hunter. After graduation, I worked as an art director in the newspaper business and published a syndicated cartoon strip. I am a self-taught software engineer producing solutions for Autodesk, Cisco, Cure Autism Now, EMC, Stanford University, Sun Microsystems, VMWare, and The Weather Channel. Some of my code has been mentioned in Wired Magazine and I co-authored a technical manual for video streaming servers. I have launched several software products over the years while pursuing commissions in outdoor sculpture. I have had working galleries in Asheville, Black Mountain, and Boone, North Carolina.
My commissioned art installations were seen at the Black Mountain Music Festival, Hulaween, Electric Forest, The Love Burn, and Envision Costa Rica. In my hometown of Beech Mountain, I served as Education Coordinator and later President of a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to wildlife rehabilitation. I was later appointed to my town’s planning board and ran for town council. I am the chairperson for my county libertarian party but my heart is in Bioregionalism. My first book was released in October of 2018 called the Spell of Six Dragons. My second book, Blueprints of Mind Control came out February of 2019. My third book, The Technology of Belief was released in the Fall of 2019. Quantum Rapture was published in May 2020. Best Apocalypse Ever was published in May of 2020. I have been producing a livestream and host a dojo since 2019."
Show links:
Join us at Music and Sky this year, limited $50 off your ticket with the code, ALFAVEDIC
Save BIG on your Brown's Gas AquaCure Machine by using the coupon code "alfavedic' at checkout here: https://eagle-research.com/product/ac50/

Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Did you know that there exists an abundant source of regenerating fresh water deep within the magmatic rocks of planet Earth? This water, often called ‘Primary Water’, is created from the molten magma plasma chemistry deep within the earth as it cools and crystalizes.
Russell Anderson and Cosmic Sojourner aka Chris are from Clear Water Vision, California. No longer must we be fearful of water scarcity but more importantly, it is time for us to realize our true spiritual connection to both the waters below and the waters above.
As mankind embarks upon this ‘Great Awakening’, primary water will play a massive role in the raising of the collective consciousness. It is up to us to reconnect with these living waters and cleanse the damage we have done to this planet so that we can all rise above the materiality that currently limits us.
Not only will Russell and Cosmic Sojourner go deep into the science and spirit of this important topic but they will inspire and educate us about the role of North America’s oldest volcanic lake, Clear Lake in California and how the healing begins right there in our own backyard.
The many years of holistic research by Russell Anderson and all his past experiences, has helped bring together a group of very highly talented visionaries, scientists and business people. In 2008, Clear Water Vision, a non-profit corporation was created from these efforts.
Cosmic Sojourner brings a deep I AM awareness to the legal Name Game and neural linguistics employed to control the unsuspecting masses, and shares our preoccupation with "truth" of the matter in the heart of the matter. The avenues of discussion for this episode are endless as we'll traverse from alchemical to the scarcity fallacy concerning the most magical and fundamental element of our Realm, Water!
Show links:
Join us at Music and Sky this year, limited $50 off your ticket with the code, ALFAVEDIC
Save BIG on your Brown's Gas AquaCure Machine by using the coupon code "alfavedic' at checkout here: https://eagle-research.com/product/ac50/