Not your typical ’alternative health’ show, Alfacast is a weekly discovery into the often misunderstood realms of real science, nature and the human condition. Dr. Lando and Mike Winner cover an assortment of topics from a unique perspective seldom heard in today’s counter culture echo chamber.

Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
#157 - Exercise Your Free Will w/ Beth Martens
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Special Alfacast friend, Beth Martens, of the popular Kings Hero Journey podcast, is here for a full update on her Life's mission to bring Truth to Light. As a business coach, author, trainer, and founder of the House of Free Will in the Private Domain, Beth considers her calling as a life or death thing.
"This lifetime or next you will have to fulfill on your sacred contract. I learned the hard way."
Beth engages leaders, movement makers, entrepreneurs, and purveyors of the truth in amazing conversations on her KHJ livestreams, but her personal Hero's Journey is as remarkable as any.
After a decade as a corporate VP in her family’s firm, 8 trips to India, and a 3-year battle with cancer 20 years ago, she used archetypes to save her life.
"I survived against the odds, thanks to awakening my archetypes and discovering where I was out of alignment with my own true nature, my own life’s work, and my own sacred contract."
The exercise of one's Will has long been misunderstood, and suppressed to the point that most no longer fathom this reservoir of available power to achieve anything they wish. Often confused with positive thinking, which is the Mind, or masculine aspect, Will can rightfully be delegated to the Feminine polarity with its origins in the Astral plane of intuition & feeling.
Beth, Dr. Lando & Mike Winner will tackle this all-important topic in all of its practical implications to a World in urgent need of the right use of Will.
Visit Beth at www.bethmartens.com to do a free ‘King Hero’ Archetype Quiz to learn where you are on the path of purpose. Find her book, “Journey: A Map of Archetypes to Find Lost Purpose in a Sea of Meaninglessness” is available at www.bethmartens.com. Apply to become a member in the House of Free Will Ministry at www.freewillministry.live.
Show links:
Join us at Music and Sky this year, limited $50 off your ticket with the code, ALFAVEDIC
Save BIG on your Brown's Gas AquaCure Machine by using the coupon code "alfavedic' at checkout here: https://eagle-research.com/product/ac50/

Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
#156 - Deep Down The Rabbit Hole w/ Greg Carlwood
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
This Alfacast episode is a special treat for Dr. Lando & Mike Winner. We have both been huge fans of the The Higher Side Chat podcast from day one, because its host, Greg Carlwood is simply the best! His masterfully written intros alone make each episode worthwhile, but his authentic style, thorough preparation & amazing stable of brilliant guests bring it the rest of the way home.
Greg's Story
Greg had a pretty stereotypical mid-western middle class life growing up in Arnold, MO. After spending K-11th grade in the local Catholic School pipeline, causing a fair amount of trouble along the way, St. Pius X High School in Festus, MO kicked him out on the first day of senior year and he’s still bitter about it. Eventually making it to the University of Missouri, Greg studied nothing, dropped out, and wandered into corporate retail management- captaining such notable ships as Great American Cookies, Sunglass Hut, & Gamestop. Knowing this was a low-paying road to nowhere, and not feeling right in Missouri; he moved to San Diego, CA in 2010 with a desperation plan to grow marijuana. After growing a few successful crops, but not knowing anyone who actually buys marijuana by the pound, he started another desperation venture: The Higherside Chats Podcast. It was a success.
"I’m just an average stoner that loves to dig deep down the rabbit hole and doesn’t like the direction the world is going." - Greg
The Higher Side Chat
THC is an interview-based podcast where Greg Carlwood hosts conversations with the best researchers, authors, and experts on a whole host of unusual, suppressed, alternative, paranormal, occult, and all-around fringe topics.
As a fan of both podcasts and conspiracy culture, THC tries to raise the bar, take the best of both, and avoid some of the major annoyances many people have with them. THC has a host who is always familiar with the guests’ work, and a lengthy format which allows us to go as deep as we can.
Show links:
Join us at Music and Sky this year, limited $50 off your ticket with the code, ALFAVEDIC

Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
#155 - Nephilim & The Roots Of The Federal Reserve w/ Dr. Laura Sanger
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Laura Sanger is a Clinical Psychologist, an author, and a small business owner. After Earned a B.A. in Psychology from the University of California, San Diego, she worked at the Veterans Administration Hospital in La Jolla, Los Angeles, West Los Angeles, and Salt Lake City. She then received an M.A. in Theology and a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Fuller Theological Seminary, serving as adjunct professor at Salt Lake Theological Seminary, teaching courses in adolescent development, with 15 years practice as a Clinical Psychologist for specializing in chronic mental illness, addictions, personality disorders, and adolescent treatment. Since 2009, she has been the managing partner of a real-estate investment business.
She is a prophetic intercessor, spiritual warrior and passionate about seeing people set free to reach their full potential.
Laura spent 4 years researching and writing about The Roots of the Federal Reserve available now on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. By shedding light on what lies in the dark corners of history, this book reveals the spiritual landscape of the roots of the Federal Reserve in a journey through time tracing deceptions across cultures and generations.
The Roots of the Federal Reserve emanates from the Days of Noah when the Nephilim roamed the earth. (These beings are referred to in the Old Testament as "giants" or "fallen ones.") By following known history, archeology and symbolism, The Roots of the Federal Reserve traces the Nephilim bloodline through the lineage of Ham and reveals the Nephilim agenda concealed for ages, operating insidiously, since the Seed war in Genesis 3. Ultimately, the journey leads to Jekyll Island, the birthplace of the Federal Reserve and the players who participated in its creation.
This book excavates the bedrock of slavery that keeps us in bondage to debt, it reveals the domination of the "Titans," and unmasks the destructive repercussions our monetary system has on the lives of everyday people.
A battle has been raging in the hidden recesses of our nation and the financial gate of our country has been defiled. This book unveils the spiritual forces that have been squeezing abundant life out of America. However, this is not just another sad narrative about our subjugation, rather it's a call to freedom
Together we can release the full measure of prosperity intended for our nation, reclaim our inheritance that has been stolen, and restore our nation to once again be, "the land of the free and the home of the brave."
Show links:
Join us at Music and Sky this year, limited $50 off your ticket with the code, ALFAVEDIC
Join Mike at the AUREA Leadership Summit in Miami Sept 9-11! https://alfavedic.com/aurea

Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
#154 - I AM The Solution w/ Dr. Barre Lando & Mike Winner
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
This past weekend Alfa Vedic hosted the I AM THE LIVING LAW workshop-retreat at the AV farm. Attendees, which included many notable influencers accomplished in fields ranging from Alternative Medicine, Law & Natural Science all agreed that the impact from this event was a game-changer.
The magical setting made frequent river dips, forest walks & tours through the AV Permaculture farm available for needed assimilation-time for the dramatic consciousness-shift experienced during class time.
The Friday evening meet & greet began with renown Land Patent & U.S. Constitution expert, Ron Gibson entertaining a Q & A followed by an organic food buffet. The Saturday-Sunday sessions framed the curriculum within the Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars formula for global conquest, to illustrate how we have had the power all along.
This was by no means a mere Legal-Law paperwork tutorial as all participants came to the realization that taking our World back is an inside job. Protecting our personal & financial affairs shouldn't be expensive or complicated when one understands the difference between Private & Public within the resonance of I AM.
On this episode Barre & Mike will share event highlights, and present a synopsis of the would-be-controllers blueprint, which in actuality is our Solution!
This event, and more to come, will be available in the membership section of our soon-to-be-released new Alfa Vedic website. The amazing weekly Alfacast guest-list doesn't often allow our well-received in-house chats, so don't miss this one!
Show links:
PDF - https://www.alfavedic.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/SILENT-WEAPONS.pdf
Join us at Music and Sky this year, limited $50 off your ticket with the code, ALFAVEDIC

Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
#153 - Healing Through The Passion To Live w/ Dr. Devin Vrana
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Dr. Devin Vrana wears many hats—Mother of 5, Chiropractor, Inspirational Speaker/Emcee, Event Facilitator, Rebel & Daydream Believer. Ultimately, she’s just a small town girl with a big heart on a big mission to live the gift of life fully & vibrantly alive.
I am a relentless seeker & student of what makes a person COME ALIVE--body, mind & soul!
Dr. Vrana's passion projects are all inspired by her soul calling to help people remember the power they carry within & how to shine—body, mind & soul.
I am dreamer who EXPECTS MIRACLES!
In Devin's own words: "I have laid my hands on & held healing space for thousands of aches, pains, and broken hearts. I serve babies only minutes old all the way up to centurions, pregnant moms, athletes, farmers, kids/teens, all kinds of kinds... and I LOVE IT!"
I am a rebel warrior who is unafraid to SPEAK MY TRUTH or STAND MY GROUND!
Devin believes that the Power that made the body heals the body, and that YOU are powerful beyond all measure & with the proper supports you can heal through & rise above any challenge.
I am a rebel warrior who is unafraid to SPEAK MY TRUTH or STAND MY GROUND!
Are you ready to be inspired? This roundtable discussion will with Devin, Dr. Lando & Mike Winner will lead you to the realization that the only healer you need is You!
"I am HERE to create a sacred, safe PLACE for the wild-hearted seekers, dreamers, & rebel warriors who are ready to live life vibrantly alive! "
~ Dr. Devin Vrana
Show Links:
Join us at Music and Sky this year, limited $50 off your ticket with the code, ALFAVEDIC

Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
#152 - Exit And Build A Better Life w/ John Bush
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Many folks now agree that SHTF-time may indeed be here. More than ever people from all walks of life are exploring the self-sufficient lifestyle through homesteading as an avenue to weather the storm.
Do you find yourself in an urban environment short of time & resources to even consider such a thing? Is the thought of slopping the pigs in the early AM not your thing?
John Bush has walked the talk of making the homesteading commitment, and he'll be your A to Z guide if you're considering such a journey, riding the fence, or just plain feeling that it's an impossibility.
We'll dispel all notions of such an undertaking, both idyllic and daunting for the many now aware that the welfare of our country and families will be determined by us alone.
John Bush is a radical activist, entrepreneur, and father of two based in Central Texas. His education into the concepts of anarchism and agorism refocused his energies on promoting alternative institutions like cryptocurrency, regenerative agriculture, and mutual aid groups.
In 2005 he laid out his vision for Freedom Cells, peer to peer mutual aid groups that work together to find more freedom for those involved. The Freedom Cell Network now has over 30,000 participants and stretches across the globe.
John has a keen interest in natural health through his company Brave Botanicals, and recently launched Live Free Academy, an education enterprise that aims to help people find financial independence and sovereignty in their lives.
Dr. Lando is presently in his 4th generation of homestead creations, so be sure we'll have ample first-hand experiences to share. This episode will be immensely informative, and provide realistic insights for those of you now realizing the time to act is Now!
Show links:
Join us at Music and Sky this year, limited $50 off your ticket with the code, ALFAVEDIC

Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
#151 - Modern Gnosticism & The Parasite Cleanse w/ Sol Luckman
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Sol Luckman is a pioneering visual artist, award-winning novelist and humorist, and bestselling author of nonfiction books on health, spirituality, and consciousness.
As an accomplished ink and acrylic painter Sol offers a glimpse of this universe of intelligent energy in his artwork, as objects condition space with their essence, and vice versa, and the outside conflates with the inside because All Is One.
Sol's international bestsellers span fiction with Snooze & Cali The Destroyer, nonfiction Conscious Healing, Potentiate Your DNA, and
humor/satire The Angel's Dictionary, Musings From A Small Island.
In his bold, colorful compositions, three of which have been featured on the covers of Itzhak Beery's The Gift of Shamanism, Shamanic Transformations & Shamanic Healing, Sol is committed to exploring and depicting energy.
This podcast will leave no stone unturned as Sol's intrepid explorations into fake science, the present global dystopia and the very nature of Consciousness are congruent with the philosophical leanings of your Alfacast hosts.
Why are some vulnerable to the mind parasites, while many of us laugh them off, are accepted historical accounts the biggest fables of all, and what constitutes the true fabric of our Realm? Tune in and join the conversation!
Show links:
Join us at Music and Sky this year, limited $100 off your ticket with the code, SFGEARLYB450

Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
#150 - Water, The Universal Seed w/ Andrew Kaufman MD
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
On this Alfacast we explore the curious and seemingly magical properties of the most abundant element within our ecosystem & personal biology.
Master investigator, Andrew Kaufman MD joins us to share his personal insights based on his ongoing research into the nature of water including its importance in the field of Natural Medicine.
Long revered by the alchemists of old as the seed of life, this ubiquitous substance continues to confound the scientific community for its knack of ignoring all manner of conventional norm.
We'll cover the many aspects of water investigation including the so-called Fourth Phase of Water, Primary Water & Structured Water.
We're especially excited to hear about Andrew's recent break through discoveries to combat the chronic dehydration syndrome now affecting the health of so many, its implications on cell physiology and his detoxification protocols.
For those not already familiar with the renown Andrew Kaufman MD he has been a courageous voice
shedding a different light on the alleged "pandemic" through his tireless efforts, including the production of Terrain parts I & II.
Andrew completed psychiatric training at Duke University Medical Center after graduating from the Medical University of South Carolina, while earning a B.S. from M.I.T. in Molecular Biology.
Andrew believes that the innate wisdom of your body can heal itself from almost any insult.
Show links:
Join us at Music and Sky this year! https://musicandsky.com

Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
#149 - Tuning The Biofield w/ Eileen McKusick
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Alfacast endeavors to present an eclectic array of interview guests and subject matter reflective of the Alfa Vedic team's collective experience and expertise. Integrative medicine, biodynamic agriculture, sustainable economics and the universal intelligence that sustains all of the above has been our domain.
On this Alfacast we are thrilled to have what will assuredly be an enlightening conversation with Eileen McKusick, MA., a researcher, award-winning author, and the founder of Biofield Tuning, a groundbreaking sound-therapy modality.
Having spent over 20 years researching the electromagnetic field that surrounds the human body (the “biofield”), she has meticulously mapped it, revealing the influence of magnetic fields on our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Eileen has trained thousands of healers, clinicians, and practitioners to utilize Biofield Tuning in their healing practices.
She’s discovered that the human biofield contains a very specific anatomy and physiology, and that it can be successfully modulated with the tone of a simple medical tuning fork to produce consistent and useful therapeutic outcomes.
A dynamic and inspiring speaker, she presents internationally on biofield science, therapeutic sound, consciousness, electricity and plasma, and human health and potential. She has presented at the Electric Universe Conference, UBUNTU Fest, the Global Sound Healing Conference, and many more professional gatherings.
Based on her master’s thesis, Exploring the Effects of Audible Sound on the Human Body and Its Biofield, Eileen’s book, Tuning the Human Biofield, won the Nautilus award and received widespread acclaim. She is currently working on her second book, which details the new paradigm of electro-sonic cosmology.
Eileen is the founder of the Biofield Tuning Institute, which is partnering with the Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI) and the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) to apply the scientific method to the Biofield Anatomy Hypothesis. The Biofield Tuning Institute is also spearheading the outreach program Tuners Without Borders, which seeks to bring Biofield Tuning to at-risk populations around the world.
Show links:

Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
#148 - Crushing The Corporate Narrative Through Art w/ Benny Wills & Jason Herrick
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
Benny Wills, actor, poet and communicator extraordinaire returns to Alfacast with a special guest of his own. Jason is a graduate of Benny's Parrhesia, who heard about this empowering system after hearing Benny's interview with Alfa Vedic last summer.
As a result Jason is now, well ... crushing it! Simply put, Parrhesia is freedom of speech, the true freedom of speech, which comes when one speaks fluidly from the heart with emotions in check to unlock opportunities that many have yet to experience.
Benny & Jason will share how creativity & Parrhesia communication techniques can be a vital and healing bridge in our polarized & ultra-opinionated world. Most important, these skills can effectively neutralize the corporate narrative where even facts prove ineffective against the mass-hypnosis.
For those that missed our last Alfacast episode with Benny, he is an acclaimed poet, emcee, actor, teacher and coach, and has appeared on stages and television sets around the world. He is also the co-creator of the YouTube comedy channel JoyCamp.
Benny feels strongly that the world needs YOUR voice. His Parrhesia training was created to this aim, and has taken the meaning of "free speech" to new dimensions. Communication is the key to success, and Benny's immersive, hands-on training has empowered many who have unlocked their voice and freed their speech through this brilliant methodology.
Show links:
Get 10% off the course with the coupon code, ALFACAST