Not your typical ’alternative health’ show, Alfacast is a weekly discovery into the often misunderstood realms of real science, nature and the human condition. Dr. Lando and Mike Winner cover an assortment of topics from a unique perspective seldom heard in today’s counter culture echo chamber.

Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
#147 - Living In The Magical Land w/ Barre Lando & Mike Winner
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
Dr. Lando & Mike Winner get personal on this episode with a behind-the-scenes look at our off-grid farm & the making of the Alfa Vedic documentary The Magical Land.
Off-grid living, permaculture, self-doctoring & a trending desire to return to our free-range roots are today's hot topics. There is a growing awareness that our very survival and right to thrive are at stake in light of those who desperately seek to subjugate the masses.
Alfa Vedic is a multi-generational evolution with roots in the pioneering circles of alternative medicine, homesteading and those who simply sought uncompromising freedom.
On today's episode we'll share insights we've gained along the way, and what you might expect if you choose the path to sovereignty, whether off-grid or in an urban environment.
We'll take you behind-the-scenes in the filming of The Magical Land, an Alfa Vedic documentary Directed by Bryden Lando in conjunction with the Ickonics film crew from Great Britain.
Expect the conversation to touch areas that will be the subject of on-line offerings on our soon-to-be-launched private membership site as well as on-site workshops. Whether you are a practitioner of the healing arts, actively farming or engaged in conscious parenting, perceptive skills must be retrained to reveal Nature's hidden-in-plain-sight secrets. The AV educational platform will focus on the repeating patterns underlying the 3 Kingdoms of creation for practical application with the expectation of positive results!
The Alfa Vedic permaculture farm is a "Farm to Farmacy" operation from the cultivation of medicinal herbs and biodynamic foods, processing in our Spagyrics Alchemy lab, and the production of teas & advanced herbal-nutrient formulations to complete the self-sufficiency loop via conscious commerce.
Get 10 Days Access To Ickonic Network here: https://alfavedic.com/ickonic

Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
#146 - Upping Our Security Game For The Times Ahead w/ Justin Frandson
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
Special guest Justin Frandson, owner/creator of EMF Rocks returns to Alfacast to share critical information we all need to protect ourselves from government intrusion through cyber encroachment.
Justin's years of EMF research revealed the breath-taking amount of on-line security breaches that most are unaware or simply dismiss as unimportant. This growing trend of massive fraud and overt theft targets easy marks, but sooner or later most of us have suffered the effects. Government & corporate interests, now one and the same, collude against the people they allege to serve.
Our conversation topics and ideas for improved security will include on-line banking, Virtual Private Network
(VPN), the use of faraday bags for phones & computers, tips for Password protection, Bank Server Proxies, burner SIM cards, encrypted video conferencing and much moreWe'll conduct our discussion within a revealing context of the deeper motives of those intrusive forces that provoke global destabilization. The engineered vulnerability to Cyber assault is a means to that end.
Show links:
Additional links: (we have no affiliations with these companies nor necessarily support them, these were mentioned on today's show by today's guest)

Monday Jun 20, 2022
#145 - Decoding The Divine Realm w/ Marty Leeds
Monday Jun 20, 2022
Monday Jun 20, 2022
Marty Leeds returns to Alfacast, and he always brings it. Marty is a genuine seeker of truth, a brilliant teacher of the mysteries and a preacher of the heart.
In our last interview with Marty we traversed through a diversity of subject matter from Gnostic Christianity, to the mathematics, symbolism, astrology, and mysticism encoded within the Bible.
Marty's seminal works, Pi - The Great Work, Pi & The English Language, and The Peacock's Tales - The Alchemical Writings of Claudia Pavonis were inspiring explorations of sacred number, geometry and the mathematics that rule our Universe, but ultimately as a study of oneself.
On this episode we'll go deep into his latest work Lord Jesus Christ, a textbook to the decoded truths in the Holy Bible.
We'll contrast Hermeticism with Gnosticism and further discuss banned books of the Bible, why the bible is not a history book, the bible/Kabbalah overlap and the absolute relevance to current global events.
Show links:

Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
#144 - Red Pill Rising w/ Tom Althouse
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
On this episode of Alfacast, we go further into the journey of Thomas Park Althouse who was victimized by the dark forces behind the Hollywood movie industry. He was a young writer in his 30's when he came up with a visionary movie idea. He knew right at that moment it was going to be called THE IMMORTALS. What he didn't know is that it would soon be stolen to become The Matrix movie franchise.
In our first interview Tom shared his first person account of how Hollywood steals intellectual property for their own corporate agenda, but it goes much deeper! His ordeal traverses an interconnected web of corporations, government agents, and occulted organizations that collude to control art & take any measure to silence those that would reveal the sordid truth.
He discussed how the Wachowskis were witless tools, and the common Hollywood practice of using talentless proxies to cover their tracks. Tom laid out how his legal challenge was sabotaged from the very beginning, and his efforts to seek justice in the court of public opinion.
In this sequel Alfacast, Tom reveals events and inspirations leading to the writing of his screenplay masterpiece purloined by countless other movies, and shares the heartbreak of how family members and loved ones were turned against him.
Tom will elaborate on the intentions and full story conveyed through his original screenplay for greater substantiation that his work was indeed used to create the Matrix Series, including the most recent Matrix 4.
Finally we will learn about his upcoming documentary film release, and plans for finally making the feature film, Immortals as it was originally written by Tom himself.
Show links:

Sunday Jun 05, 2022
#143 - Are We In A False Reality Simulacrum? w/ Jason Breshears
Sunday Jun 05, 2022
Sunday Jun 05, 2022
We were really looking forward to this one! We discuss the Pre-Flood World, and how it foreshadows coming events, the Zodiac as an Apocalypse Decoder and prophetic information from ancient texts ... and that's just for starters!
Jason Breshears from Archaix.com brings his extraordinary research on the role of Artificial Intelligence and the history of the human race trapped in a False Reality Simulacrum.
"We are more than we suppose ourselves to be. Fantastically powerful, able to escape dungeon programming, recognize negative default programming and create our own reality."
Jason's information is for those unafraid of the dark, who want the truth undiluted and direct.
The ancient past, behind-the-scenes happenings throughout all time periods, censored histories, the academic cover-ups, real facts about race, religion, subversive societies and even psi-based predictive systems of analysis by which future events can be known beforehand are uncovered and explained.
Breshears' research goes deep to penetrate through the layers of deception to unveil new concepts and discoveries about the ancient world, its people, beliefs, civilizations and the catastrophes that ended them.
The life events that fueled Jason's passion for the truth to stay the course on this arduous path is equally remarkable. He is a stone mason by trade and owner of Paradise Rock Gardens where his expertise here has allowed him to appreciate the impossibilities we find in the archeological record.
Jason believes that we are existing in two different realities simultaneously; the collective which is scripted and includes events planned and executed beyond human ability to alter; and the personal, where we can individually be immune from and separate from anything going on around us.
Join us on this fascinating journey, which will most certainly require sequel episodes.
Show links:

Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
#142 - To Bee or Not To Bee w/ Derek Condit
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Here at Alfa Vedic Gardens we have enjoyed a long and rewarding experience as bee keepers. The Doc and his wife have co-authored articles and conducted classes on the critical role of the many varieties of pollinators in their parallel journey with mankind.
On this episode, Derek Condit, Bee intuitive and expert, takes us deep into the hive mind to understand the mystical workings of the Queen of all pollinators.
Owner of Mystical Wares, Energy Worker & Intuitive, Derek was born in Inglewood, California and joined the U.S. Army as an M1A1 Abrams tank crewman.
After serving nearly 4 years, most of which he was stationed in Mannheim, Germany, he honorably discharged to pursue a career as a Commercial Deep Sea Diver in the Gulf of Mexico.
Beginning in the Spring of 2016, Derek began his apiary of
Shungite Beehives. Using his knowledge of ‘treatment-free’ beekeeping combined with the mineral Shungite,
Expect our conversation to traverse through the properties of Shungite and Orgonite as an invaluable ally to bee & bee-keeper alike to the other-worldly origins of bees.
If you're a naturalist, agriculturist, bee-keeper or just keen the metaphysical realm you won't be disappointed!
Our last episode didn't escape the all-seeing eye of YT censorship, so this week will see if they live up to their increasing reputation as the ultimate buzz-kill.
Show links:

Tuesday May 24, 2022
#141 - The Law For Mankind & Living The Way w/ Greg Paul
Tuesday May 24, 2022
Tuesday May 24, 2022
How would your life be different if you expressed your law for your own life and property? What benefits would you reap if you harmonized your law with the creator’s law to bring forth peace and remedy to all controversy? Can you imagine your sense of empowerment in holding and enforcing your rights at law as one of mankind?
Our very special guest, Greg Paul has proved these principles in his own experience, and blazed the trail for all with courage follow.
Greg walked away from a successful career as a housing developer, cancelled every direct debit and standing order, and quit using money altogether. He lived over a year without using any money whatsoever, and another 6 years without exchanging his energy for money in any way. Greg challenged everything he felt to be wrong with the system, both in and out of the UK court system.
He took on power and water companies, banks for mortgage fraud, and reclaimed abandoned homes for the homeless. He had countless encounters with the local police force, and proved time and time again that it is impossible to convict a man without his consent, where he hasn’t actually harmed anyone.
Greg is the co-founder of the New Earth Project, the International Tribunal for Natural Justice and other initiatives which sought to restore truth and justice to the world. A primary understanding gleaned from these earlier projects was how any initiative which empowered collectives rather than the individual man/woman were destined to become hives of that which they sought to eradicate.
For nine years he went on a journey in search of the knowledge of EVERY law there is – to discover the full depth of the framework of principles and laws that govern all life; the laws of the soul; the laws of love; the true law of attraction and how the matrix actually works;
He since created The Sovereigns Way, where he shares knowledge of true law and how a man or woman can express their own law and rights forth into the world; the essence of which is how to remove the controversy from one’s life to be truly free.
Show links:

Tuesday May 17, 2022
Tuesday May 17, 2022
In 1995, a business trip took Vladimir Megre to the Siberian taiga, where he witnessed incredible spiritual phenomena connected with sacred 'ringing cedar' trees. He spent three days with a woman named Anastasia who shared with him her unique outlook on subjects as diverse as gardening, child-rearing, healing, Nature, sexuality, religion and more.
This wilderness experience transformed Vladimir so deeply that he abandoned his commercial plans and, penniless, went to Moscow to fulfill Anastasia's request and write a book about the spiritual insights she so generously shared with him. True to her promise this life-changing book, once written, has become an international best-seller and has touched hearts of millions of people world-wide.
On this episode of Alfacast we are joined by Gabriel Miguel and Wesley Wittkamper the Founder & Strategic Partnerships Director of the Anastasia Foundation, the largest English speaking Ringing Cedars network.
Through the Anastasia Foundation Gabriel & Wesley are spearheading the establishment of The Motherland Party as introduced by Anastasia and her Grandfather in the Ringing Cedars of Russia series.
“When the nation is comprised of a multitude of families giving birth to their children in love and creating a Space of Love, it will not suffer from lawlessness or inflation. Such a nation will have no need to fight against criminal tendencies; they will disappear from society.”
The Motherland concept is by no means a novel idea for it is the original intention for our Realm. The Alfa Vedic Co-Operative is establishing an infrastructure prototype for sustainable decentralization reproducible in every locale, while the Motherland Party provides the ideological and spiritual engine through the teachings of Anastasia.
We couldn't be more excited about this episode, and look forward to a long-term alignment between the the Anastasia Foundation & Alfa Vedic. Please join us for what promises to be a most inspirational connection with Kindred Spirits.
Show links:

Tuesday May 10, 2022
#139 - Leaving The Pseudo-Religion Of Statism Behind w/ Etienne de la Boetie2
Tuesday May 10, 2022
Tuesday May 10, 2022
If you're banking on the next election to change our present trajectory into further chaos you'll definitely want to tune in to this very special episode of Alfacast.
Organized Crime Researcher, Educator and Professional Speaker, Etienne de la Boetie2 is the author of "Government" - The Biggest Scam in History... Exposed!
Boetie2 makes the case that "Government" is illegitimate, was never intended to protect life, liberty and property but has always been used by inter-generational organized crime to rob and enslave, and they have been getting away with it through a partnership with the media to widely control perception.
He is a voluntaryist, author, father, technology entrepreneur, ex-Wall Streeter, cyclist, runner, hot yogi, multi-disciplinarian truther, armchair economist, cryptocurrency enthusiast, and neo-abolitionist.
In "Government" Boetie2 distills 20+ years of research into short, easily-digestible treatises on individual subjects and optimizes them for the 65% of society who are visual learners while including references and links to more comprehensive research and evidence including books, videos, documentaries, and audio books to accommodate the widest variety of learning preferences.
He is the founder of a start-up public policy organization: The Art of Liberty Foundation that is exposing the illegitimacy and criminality of “government”, and the hidden curriculum of organized crime’s mandatory government schools, scouting programs, and police/military “training”: The pseudo-religion of Statism, obedience, fealty, “order-following” and tax slavery.
Show links:

Wednesday May 04, 2022
#138 - The Law Of Attraction & Harnessing Your Power w/ Tara Pilling
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Wednesday May 04, 2022
On this episode we go deep into the real science behind the Law of Attraction. Different terms have been used to describe this very real force operative in every interaction, and the Great Ones have always known the secret to harnessing it.
Tara Pilling is a Peak Performance Mindset Consultant with Bob Proctor, Law of attraction expert, Internationally best selling author, Holistic Practitioner, Yoga and Meditation Teacher, and Ayurveda coach.
She was personally coached and mentored by Bob Proctor himself and is a leading International 'Inner Circle' Consultant with their company - Proctor & Gallagher.
"I am passionate about inspiring others to reach their goals and dreams and access more of their potential, your potential is unlimited and the average person is using maybe between 5-10% of their potential."
Tara has worked with some of the best in human potential, personal development and leadership such as Tony Robbins, Robin Sharma, Les Brown, Mary Morrisey, Price Pritchett, Donald Miller and Bob Proctor.
Tara has dedicated her life to helping people realize their full potential to ignite greater prosperity, and worked many years as a practitioner in physical therapy, holistic and energy based medicine, yoga, meditation (vipassana practitioner) and Ayurveda coaching.
"Get your mind right and the world will follow your lead. It truly is an inside job."
Tara lives in beautiful BC Canada on the Okanagan Lake with her husband Brad and two great kids Maya and Kingston. She has dedicated many years to Waldorf education for her children and is an anthroposophy student. She especially enjoys time in the forest, gardening, foraging, camping, traveling, running and meditation.
Show links:
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