Not your typical ’alternative health’ show, Alfacast is a weekly discovery into the often misunderstood realms of real science, nature and the human condition. Dr. Lando and Mike Winner cover an assortment of topics from a unique perspective seldom heard in today’s counter culture echo chamber.

Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
#127 - Surfing The Light Waves Over The Dark w/ Robert Stanley
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
During his passionate pursuit of modern and ancient mysteries, Robert Stanley has travelled to 59 countries in 59 years. His quest for new ideas and information inspired his years of research and popular writings covering many controversial topics. His ongoing investigations have been featured on television, radio, print and the internet.
Born in 1959, Robert is a Los Angeles native. He grew up in Malibu, and moved to southern New England with his family in 2008. In early 2015 he relocated his family to Hong Kong, and full-circle back to Southern California in 2019.
Robert is the author of two ground-breaking books on the hidden history of UFO activity in Washington, D.C., and is presently the web master of UnicusMagazine.com & host of The Unicus Radio Hour.
On this episode we take a deep dive into many topics within the context of Robert's investigative adventures but with the main focus on how our own experience as divine creators of light defines the power the darkness can have. This is an inspiring and captivating talk we hope you like.
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Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
#126 - A Winning Model Of Abundance For All w/ Jim Gale
Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
Would you like to throw a huge monkey wrench into the plans of the would-be controllers agenda of contrived shortages, supply chain slowdowns & the subsidized destruction of our food supply?
"Your Food Forest Landscape Blueprint will be fully customized to your climate, planting zone, topography, space, as well as to the beauty, functionality, and abundance you wish to have."
What if you could become healthier and share your abundance with others in the process? Renown Food Forest expert, Jim Gale, joins us on this episode to share all of the ins & outs for self-empowerment through food independence.
"I am your in depth permaculture educator who will teach you, regardless of your experience level." ~ Jim Gale
At age 19, Jim first learned about the power of writing his goals. From the practice of inspired visioning, he became a 4-time All American and National Champion wrestler.
After college, he moved to Hawaii, backpacked through 37 countries, lived with the Maasai, explored cultures, and searched for his next inspired vision.
He wrote his goals again at age 29, which included being retired in 3 years. Jim went on to create a mortgage company that reached $1.3B in sales in 3 years, leading him to early retirement and the achievement of another life goal.
He bought a boat, lived on the ocean for a year, and then moved to Costa Rica to build eco-villages where he discovered permaculture. It changed his life and he realized he needed to bring it to every household in the world. The idea whose time has come became Food Forest Abundance. Jim speaks about sovereignty, entrepreneurship, mindset, and freedom.
Jim is absolutely a man after our own hearts here at the Alfa Vedic permaculture farm, and we couldn't think of a more qualified or enthusiastic spokesman for inspiring the new agrarian revolution!
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Sunday Jan 30, 2022
#125 - The Deception of All Deceptions? w/ David Weiss
Sunday Jan 30, 2022
Sunday Jan 30, 2022
Strap in, but keep your mind open! The Alfacast crew believes in leaving no stone unturned, regardless of whose eyebrows get raised. Today we're entertaining the perchance concept that the shape and functionality of our beloved Earth may be remarkably different than what most of us have always perceived.
David Weiss will be our tour guide down this entertaining rabbit hole of endless possibilities. Like many of us, Dave will admit that the geometry of our realm can't be ascertained for certain, but the consensus with any in-depth sleuthing reveals more than a few undeniable whoppers.
David masterfully tackles many of the typical questions from people who would otherwise consider this subject a fool's errand, as he viewed the world through a similar lens in the not too distant past.
As a renewable energy businessman he first traversed the flat earth path in early 2015 in a serious effort to debunk this ridiculous notion.
Whether or not you reach similar conclusions as David after this controversial roundtable discussion, it will be hard to deny that NASA and the entire consortia of institutionalized academia has some serious explaining to do!
Show links:

Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
#124 - A Blueprint For Planetary Freedom w/ Steven Whybrow & Eril Kaya
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
Freedom fighters and spiritual samurais Steven Whybrow and Eril Kaya return to Alfacast for a timely & lively roundtable. In this week's episode The Gnostic Takeover founders, Steve and Eril, will focus on giving a big picture overview of how they are creating an incredible success story in Taking back the country of Austria in the heart of Europe.
Eril and Steve are going to share with everyone what they describe as the template to take the planet back.What sounds impossible and unbelievable is, in actual fact, their daily experience, which they claim can also be backed up by information from various fields of study.
We are now putting all of our efforts into taking our country back ... from our perspective it can expand out into the World. In our last chat, Steven & Eril discussed their method of confronting the 5G rollout through a constructive 'Notice of Liability' to agents of the system that are causing harm to all sentient beings on the planet.
Their present recommendation is to let go of all distractions, and come to the realization that 2022 is the year where humanity is finally Taking the Planet back from occult, hostile forces.
Show links:
The Event is here! Join us as we all come together to decide where we all go from here...

Monday Jan 10, 2022
Monday Jan 10, 2022
Watch the full presentation here: https://youtu.be/wG0wfZCHH4k
On this special in-house discussion we go well beyond the germ theory debate to dissect the entire biological-energy continuum of the human Bioterrain. The prevailing climate of contagion-fear has placed the Germ Theory vs Bioterrain debate center stage. Unfortunately, the discussion has not evolved beyond a myopic fixation on our microbial eco-partners.
Nature does not create pathogens or disease.
On this episode we dissect Bioterrain concepts from on-the-ground biology to the cellular-ether interface to once and for all put the Disease Deception to rest. This comprehensive overview will draw on germ theory origins, the re-emerging alchemical sciences, the logical fallacies of scientism, etherian physics and Dr. Lando's 40 years of clinical experience as a Bioterrain Physician.
In future episodes we'll break each component down further, but this overview serves as a necessary preface. Our times demand a great awareness to pierce the veils of deception, and face our responsibility to future generations. We are in an information war, and the truth will indeed set us free!
Presentation link:
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Also please look into donating to our current GoFundMe!

Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
#122 - A Very Merry Agrarian Christmas w/ Joel Salatin
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
Joel Salatin calls himself a Christian libertarian environmentalist capitalist lunatic farmer. Others who like him call him the most famous farmer in the world, the high priest of the pasture, and the most eclectic thinker from Virginia since Thomas Jefferson. Those who don’t like him call him a bio-terrorist, Typhoid Mary, charlatan, and starvation advocate.
His wide-ranging topics include nitty-gritty how-to for profitable regenerative farming as well as cultural philosophy like orthodoxy vs. heresy. A wordsmith and master communicator, he moves audiences from laughs one minute to tears the next, from frustration to hopefulness.
He co-owns, with his family, Polyface Farm in Swoope, Virginia. Featured in the New York Times
bestseller Omnivore’s Dilemma and award-winning documentary Food Inc. When he’s not on the road speaking, he’s at home on the farm, keeping the callouses on his hands and dirt under his fingernails, mentoring young people, inspiring visitors, and promoting local, regenerative food and farming systems.
Show links:
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Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
#121 - The World-Wide Revolution Starts In California w/ Reinette Senum
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
One of our more popular Alfacast guests, Reinette Senum, returns for what promises to be an inspiring and entertaining interview. In our last episode with Reinette she shared stories from her amazing life from braving the trans-Alaskan wilderness by dogsled, to filmmaking, writing and community activism.
As the major of Nevada City, California, Reinette rose to her oath of office to oppose Governor Newsom's statewide mandate to wear masks by correctly asserting the order could not be enforced. In similar fashion, Reinette has set her sights on a much larger quest to become the next Governor of California! In Reinette's own words from electreinette.com:
"I am running for Governor as an independent, common-sense candidate focused on core values and ethics, but in order to turn California around we are going to need an unprecedented effort by all of us working together.
Based upon the Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy that originally inspired our United States Constitution, we will use the Seven Generation principle as the primary guiding force of this campaign because all decisions made today should serve the next seven generations.
Now is the time to recommit to a common- sense, values-based, local control system of self-governance that is centered around the health and well-being of all children, their parents and caregivers, and all the business owners, farmers, teachers and workers who make this state golden.
When I am Governor, Californians will once again have the freedom to manage their own day-to-day lives and the lives of their families. I will ensure that the state always provides comprehensive, transparent information in a clear manner and then allows people and communities to make their own decisions through the normal democratic process. One of my first acts will be to drive through the strongest legal protections against any future governor ever again illegally and unconstitutionally demolishing our state and its institutions and traditions."
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Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
#120 - Re-wilding Consciousness w/ Michael Wann
Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
There is a pattern to life. If one can find this pattern, they can manipulate it; appearing to have magical powers. With consciousness, genetic memory, and time, life cycles can be seen. Patterns have been introduced into our consciousness to generate a particular pattern put there by secret societies or The Invisible College.
Michael Wann is an anomaly. Despite being raised in America’s most celebrated “planned community”, and large-scale social engineering experiment, the Rockefeller-funded, Columbia MD, he has been able to create an authentic and original expression of life.
Considering Michael's expertise in astrology, it is fitting to look at Michael through the lens of his own astrology. Michael is a researcher and storyteller extraordinaire focusing his ability to read the hidden on you through your natal chart, revealing the beauty of your cosmic story.
His audiences find him light, fun, philosophical and immensely creative, with strong communications skills into the Collective Subconscious and the Universal. Prepare to go deep into both the destructive and transformative qualities of the subconscious. This episode promises to be as entertaining as it will be informative!
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Also please look into donating to our current GoFundMe!

Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
#119 - Optimize Your Body, Mind, Heart & Soul w/ Jay Campbell
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Jay’s mastery of the Hormonal Optimization and Optimized Health Care space has allowed him to become a chief innovator and disrupter to the ‘sick care’ medical industry and a leading global evangelist.
Jay teaches men, women (and their doctors) how to optimize their hormones, their life, and their happiness. Since coming back from 12 days in The Sacred Valley of Peru in July of 2019, Jay experienced a seismic spiritual shift manifesting in a newly enhanced mission of helping to raise the collective consciousness (vibration) of humanity.
If your goal is to become fully optimized from a body, mind, heart and soul perspective, this episode is not to be missed
Show links:
The Event is here! Join us as we all come together to decide where we all go from here...
Also please look into donating to our current GoFundMe!

Monday Nov 22, 2021
#118 - The Resiliency Of The Human Mind & Spirit w/ Cathy O‘Brien
Monday Nov 22, 2021
Monday Nov 22, 2021
On This Alfacast, Cathy O’Brien joins us to go deep into her escape & recovery from MK-Ultra mind control enslavement. It is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and power of love.
On August 3rd, 1977 the 95th U.S. Congress opened hearings into the reported abuses concerning the CIA’s TOP SECRET mind control research program code named MK-Ultra. On February 8th, 1988, a top-level MK-Ultra victim, Cathy O’Brien, was covertly rescued from her mind control enslavement by Intelligence insider Mark Phillips.
TRANCE Formation of America is the first documented autobiography of a victim of government mind control. Cathy O’Brien is a healed and vocal survivor of the Central Intelligence Agency’s MK-Ultra Project Monarch operation.
In ACCESS DENIED for Reasons of National Security and PTSD: Time To Heal, Cathy and Mark detail how they survived to globally release pertinent facts on mind control and healing from it.
This testament to the strength of the human spirit and power of love details the otherwise suppressed healing methods Mark taught Cathy to reclaim control over her own mind and life. Now people all over the world are applying this healing information to themselves, and are reportedly healing from varying levels of trauma, abuse, PTSD, torture, and/or control.
Knowledge is our first line of defense against mind control, and on this special podcast, Cathy will share the truth that made her free.
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Have you checked out Re:Union Summit?
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