Not your typical ’alternative health’ show, Alfacast is a weekly discovery into the often misunderstood realms of real science, nature and the human condition. Dr. Lando and Mike Winner cover an assortment of topics from a unique perspective seldom heard in today’s counter culture echo chamber.

Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
#117 - Reclaiming The Natural Birthing Process w/ Eyla Cuenca
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Imagine our World if all incoming Lifestreams experienced the birthing process free of fear and medical interventions counter-intuitive to the knowledge lying deep within each woman. No other Life event rivals the significance of our entry into this realm, nor has the lasting impact through the duration of a lifetime.
Eyla Cuenca has lived and traveled throughout the United States and several countries, accumulating knowledge and expertise in her field that spans over a decade.
Her work strives to connect women, parents, and children through the scope of conception, birth and parenting. As a Birth Guide, she draws on a blend of ancient traditions and evidence based information to bring custom tailored support to every individual no matter where they are in their process.
As a teacher, birth guide, and visual storyteller Eyla, offers Natural Birth classes, Prenatal and Postpartum Guidance Consultations, Reiki Energy healing, Documentary Birth Photography and highly individualized Birth Doula Support. She provides support in person and online so that anyone anywhere in the world has the opportunity for empowered birth education and guidance.
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Thursday Nov 11, 2021
#116 - Overcoming The Geoengineered Transhumanism Agenda w/ Elana Freeland
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Elana Freeland, writer, ghostwriter, lecturer, storyteller, and teacher who researches and writes on Deep State issues, MK-ULTRA, ritual abuse, and invasive electromagnetic weapons returns for an exclusive Alfacast interview.
Best known for her books Sub Rosa America, Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth, and Under An Ionized Sky, Elana will take us on a personal journey through her latest masterpiece, Geoengineered Transhumanism.
Elana's analysis of the Transhumanism agenda is a remarkable analysis drawing equally from both a scientific and esoteric perspective. Her masterful dot-connecting will highlight major military operations of global control, and the current push to re-engineer humanity through a Neurological-Artificial Intelligence interface.
We'll go deep into current events to illustrate how this is, in fact, playing out in real time, and the unimaginable consequences we will surely face unless a mass-awakening occurs now!
Does this portend what Rudolph Steiner referred to as the "Eighth Sphere" and the final attempt to capture the very Soul of humanity? We personally feel this to be the case, and we encourage our livestream audience to have their questions in hand.
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Sunday Oct 31, 2021
#115 - Decoding The Reality Construct w/ FPV Angel & One Conscience
Sunday Oct 31, 2021
Sunday Oct 31, 2021
On this episode of Alfacast "FPV Angel" leads us on a mind-bending decoding expedition to discern the true nature of our planetary home.
The reviews are in, and the rapidly growing Alfacast community agrees that our eclectic venue of exceptional guests and in-house discussions continues to deliver content that is both expansive and relevant. This week's episode is no exception.
"FPV Angel" represents an international group of brilliant investigative researchers decoding the true reality of the realm that we call home. Through the most advanced research the world has ever seen FPV Angel will present what they term The Angelic Particle Matrix.
"We call our model The Angelic Particle Matrix which reveals the Creator's glory."
The decodings include scriptures, the Nazca Lines, Enoch, sacred geometry, geo/petro/hiero glyphs, colosseums, pyramids, Angels, Sun halo's, lunar waves, quakes, and volcanoes.
Our discussion will highlight what the luminaries are and how they work, the Walter Russell cosmogeny, and the 400 year resets responsible for all of the historical destruction via tsunamis and mud floods etc. All findings are cross-referenced with real world data, history, holy books and prophecies.
FPV Angel states, "we are not affiliated with any other group, community, entity, world map or model as we work on our own map and model without any external influence - which we have been proving over time."
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Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
#114 - Connecting To Source Through The Intelligence Of Water w/ Veda Austin
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Veda Austin is a water researcher, public speaker, mother, artist and author. She has dedicated the last 8 years observing and photographing the life of water. She believes that water is fluid intelligence, observing itself through every living organism on the planet and in the Universe.
Veda's primary area of focus is photographing water in its ‘state of creation’, the space between liquid and ice. It is through her remarkable crystallographic photos that water reveals its awareness of not only Creation, but thought and intention through imagery.
Veda brings a message of hope and joy from the very source of life itself, she says “Water is transparent, it knows no colour, creed or religion. Water does not judge, nor does it label, it will enter the body of an ant as easily as it will enter the body of a king, or a homeless person or a tree or a dragonfly. Water is our constant companion, from the moment we are conceived it is always with us...even upon death, it is water that evaporates from the physical rising upwards into the Heavens. "
Veda sees water as Source rather than a resource, and considers all bodies of water to be sacred. Her passion for water extends out of the freezer and into primary schools where she donates time teaching water science and cleverly intertwines it with art projects. She loves to reconnect children to the living water systems inside and outside of their bodies, believing that the 'tamariki' (children) are the water bearers of the future. She also spends a lot of time doing interviews and podcasts where she shares her findings and inspiring perspectives.
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Sunday Oct 17, 2021
#113 - Building Resiliency For The Oncoming Mini Ice Age w/ David Dubyne
Sunday Oct 17, 2021
Sunday Oct 17, 2021
Grand Solar Minimum expert, David Dubyne from Adapt 2030, returns to Alfacast for an update on the effects of the incoming solar cycle.
Drastically cooling temperatures are already upon us, and these cyclic solar-induced climate changes have been historically paired with the rise and fall of empires. Its impact will indeed be dramatic, especially in light of the purposeful chaos now being orchestrated on virtually every level of our lives.
In our first episode David shared stunning information on the disruptive effects of a cooling climate on food production, finance and every aspect of human interaction.
Take heart, as we'll frame the intensity of this topic within solutions available to most. David is masterful in his presentation of the "science" behind the Grand Solar Minimum, but always from the larger perspective of "thriving vs surviving" and the spiritual opportunities belying all such epochal times.
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Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
#112 - The Occulted Reality Of The CV Psy-Op w/ Richard Balducci
Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
Strap in for this one! Richard Balducci guides us through the world of conspiracy with master dot-connecting impossible to dismiss. Richard, an expert in astrology and the occult, began his journey as publisher of the satirical magazine Snicker. His research would eventually unveil secrets "hidden in plain sight", which still go without notice to the entrained thinking of the masses.
On this Alfacast we go very deep into the incredible level of occultism permeating every aspect of our lives. Have you ever speculated the veracity of claims that the present Beatle, Paul McCartney, is not the real deal? Is there a similar storyline surrounding the death of John Lennon? Are World Wars actual conflicts, or ritualistic theater for those who fancy themselves "elite"?
Richard decodes the pervasive symbology conflated with our present microbial obsession, and much more. This episode will both entertain & inform, but focus on how we might ground this awareness into the positive change that is now more accessible than ever. Just for grins we ended the show by giving you the formula to calculate the mass of your Soul.
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Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
#111 - Experiencing Your Own Divine Healing Through Breath & Shivambu w/ Erik Casano
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Erik Casano is the embodiment of the most fundamental maxim for practitioners in the healing arts, which is "heal thyself". Erik began his incredible in-depth journey through the world of natural health care modalities by healing himself from late-stage cancer.
As the founder of Aquarian Alchemy and a wellness coach, Erik specializes in conscious connected breathing and emotional trauma release.
"Through conscious connected breathing, ice baths, sauna therapy, and nutritional wellness, our programs are designed to help you overcome emotional blockages with expansive awareness." ~ Erik Casano
Erik studied under DP Mahesh in Haidakhan, India where he became certified in 5-Element Breathwork, and now shares his expertise through workshops, private retreats and group intensives.
In this Alfacast, we leave no stone unturned as our discussion traverses the Gospel of the Essenes, connecting with Spirit through Holotropic Breathwork and the 5 Elements, Dreamwork, Urine Therapy and the vast gamut of healing through Consciousness Exploration.
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Also please look into donating to our current GoFundMe! https://alfavedic.com/fundraiser

Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
#110 - Using Orgone To Heal Our Ecosystem & Our Bodies w/ Mitch Kohl
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
Mitch Kohl is a creator of Orgone technologies whose mission is to mitigate the purposeful destruction of our ecosystem through geo-engineered weather modification, atmospheric aerosoling (chem-trailing), and the weaponization of microwave technologies via cell towers, smart meters and ubiquitous WiFi.
Mitch is not just making orgonite, but engaged in advanced Orgone Energy Research in an effort to create new orgone energy devices that he gifts by the thousands to help raise humanity's consciousness, and end the planetary geoengineering agenda.
On this episode he'll break down what our cell phones and other microwave devices are doing to your DNA and consciousness advancement.
More importantly we'll discuss the role of Orgone energy as a healing agent to better understand the concepts of energy, vibration, and our collective consciousness. Prepare to be dazzled, as Mitch explains how Orgone technology is being used to restore the rain cycle in the Arizona desert, and put an end to the frequency war and mind control agenda plaguing planet Earth.
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Saturday Sep 18, 2021
#109 - Crushing In Beartaria w/ Owen Benjamin
Saturday Sep 18, 2021
Saturday Sep 18, 2021
From Upstate New York to Hollywood to the country of Idaho, Owen Benjamin has been on quite the journey. Known as many names including 'Big Bear' and the 'Bard King of Beartaria', Owen leads an inspiring life of truth and adventure.
Owen has been crushing since before the days of cancel culture. Rather than folding to the propaganda machine he has disrupted the industry by creating his own specials, documentaries, media and businesses as well as growing a massive following of loving intelligent people.
Owen Benjamin became known for never pulling punches on social media, exposing the industry for being a tool of social conditioning and shameless hypocrisy. Never letting social status or money get in the way of what needed to be said (and what many people quietly agreed with), Owen prioritized truth and comedy above all.
Owen Benjamin doubled down on truth and refused to compromise or take the path of manipulative money & accolades. As a result, his audience grew rapidly and his live streams began pulling more views than main stream news outlets, rolling out hours of hilarious content daily. Having this level of reach and influence without giving into the manipulations to push agendas or avoid topics made Owen a major target for de-platforming from various services involved in the attempted social conditioning of the public. We are excited to have Owen on to discuss some of the viable solutions he has found to work outside the system!
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Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
#108 - The Spiritual Journey Of Being A Lawful Womb-Man w/ David Jason Giaramita
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
On this episode of Alfacast, David Jason Giaramita of Great Britain, shares his expertise on all aspects concerning "Law". In this time of the "Great Awakening" many are again exercising their right for Self Determination. Change of Status corrections, Affidavits of Truth, Conditional Acceptance responses to bureaucratic demands, and filing Claims are just a few of the "Lawful" processes now being popularized to formally notice those who would otherwise encroach on the Divine Rights of all (Womb)Men.
David will take us beyond the paperwork, and explain how this is in actuality a very real Spiritual journey. We'll explore the realization of "I AM" as the only possible authority on this plane, and why it is incumbent upon each to cultivate this inner conviction if we are to reassert our Sovereignty. In today's authoritative climate, where words have been weaponized, and the truth obfuscated on every level, this information is no longer optional.
Natural Law will always supersede man-made constructs, and the only possible way to navigate these perilous times is to realign and rediscover our essential Self.
Show links:
Join The Sovereign's Way Course!! (Get $300 off with our link below)
Join Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan w/ Special Guest Dr. Barre Lando on this year's SuperWellness course! https://dredithubuntu.com/AV