Not your typical ’alternative health’ show, Alfacast is a weekly discovery into the often misunderstood realms of real science, nature and the human condition. Dr. Lando and Mike Winner cover an assortment of topics from a unique perspective seldom heard in today’s counter culture echo chamber.

Sunday Sep 05, 2021
#107 - Never Go To The Hospital Again! w/ Jennifer Daniels MD
Sunday Sep 05, 2021
Sunday Sep 05, 2021
Jennifer Daniels MD, Author of "The Lethal Dose: Murder By Medicine" is a shining light and one of the unsung heroes from the conventional medical system. Dr. Daniels is a former medical doctor who had her medical license suspended due to her use of natural remedies, while not prescribing enough prescription drugs.
Dr.Daniels, who is widely considered one of the foremost Alternative Healing Physicians alive today, graduated from Harvard University with Honors receiving a BA degree. Her education continued at the University of Pennsylvania where she received her Medical Degree (MD) and also attended Wharton where she received her MBA in Health Care Administration.
Jennifer practiced medicine for 10 years as a Board Certified Family Practice Physician where she saw first hand the power of Natural Methods. She has been coaching clients to successfully heal naturally since 1985, and a prolific writer sharing her 30 year journey of developing Natural Healing wisdom.
This episode is especially relevant within today's prevailing climate of for-profit, fear-based medicine now weaponized as a primary tool for bolstering the global control grid. Dr Daniels will share her experience with immunizations, antibiotics and drugs in general, but more important, the powerful Natural remedies that allowed her to stop using pharmaceuticals altogether.
Show links:
Join The Sovereign's Way Course!! (Get $300 off with our link below)
Join Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan w/ Special Guest Dr. Barre Lando on this year's SuperWellness course! https://dredithubuntu.com/AV

Thursday Aug 26, 2021
#106 - Land Patents Part 3 - The Process Plus Q&A w/ Ron Gibson
Thursday Aug 26, 2021
Thursday Aug 26, 2021
On two prior Alfacast episodes we addressed the historical foundations for the Land Patent process and its critical relevance in present time. There is good reason why the abolition of all property ownership has always been the primary tier of all totalitarian agendas. Unfortunately, this has become a 'fait accompli' worldwide, and in America we find ourselves in a neo-feudalistic society that has strayed far from the ideals of Self-Determination. As Klaus Schwab, chairman of the World Economic Forum, has recently stated, "you will own nothing, and you will be happy!"
In part 3 of our continuing Land Patent investigation, renown constitutional scholar, Ron Gibson, takes us deeper into the actual process, and takes on questions from our livestream audience. Whether you plan on undertaking the reacquisition of your property or not, this topic is key to understanding why our representative servants in government are now assuming authority over every aspect of our lives.
For his Land Patent books and consultation, contact Ron at dritecrg@hotmail.com
Join Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan w/ Special Guest Dr. Barre Lando on this year's SuperWellness course! https://dredithubuntu.com/AV
Have you checked out Re:Union Summit?
Also please look into donating to our current GoFundMe!

Thursday Aug 19, 2021
#105 - Regenerating Our Infinite Potential w/ Sol Luckman
Thursday Aug 19, 2021
Thursday Aug 19, 2021
Sol Luckman is a pioneering visual artist, award-winning novelist and humorist, and bestselling author of nonfiction books on health, spirituality, and consciousness. As an accomplished ink and acrylic painter Sol offers a glimpse of this universe of intelligent energy in his artwork, as objects condition space with their essence, and vice versa, and the outside conflates with the inside because All Is One.
Sol's international bestsellers span fiction with SNOOZE and CALI THE DESTROYER, nonfiction CONSCIOUS HEALING, POTENTIATE YOUR DNA, and humor/satire THE ANGEL'S DICTIONARY, MUSINGS FROM A SMALL ISLAND. In his bold, colorful compositions, three of which have been featured on the covers of Itzhak Beery's THE GIFT OF SHAMANISM, SHAMANIC TRANSFORMATIONS and SHAMANIC HEALING, Sol is committed to exploring and depicting energy. His vision of the world could be called shamanic in its appreciation of the underlying conscious vibrancy of all things visible.
Building on a deep dive into lucid dreaming, parallel universes and Hindu mysticism, Sol’s new novel, CALI THE DESTROYER, a finalist in both the New Age and Visionary Fiction categories of the 2021 International Book Awards, is a page-turner of a sci-fi tale set in an Orwellian future seeded in the dystopian present that radically rewrites Gnosticism as well as the origins of the earth and humanity.
Show links:

Monday Aug 16, 2021
#104 - Activating Our Divine Will w/ Henna Maria
Monday Aug 16, 2021
Monday Aug 16, 2021
Henna Maria is an activist, speaker, poet and practitioner of ancestral healing arts, which she learnt apprenticing with the Shipibo tribe in the Amazon rainforest. In 2019 Henna founded Dawn of Peace, a creative community and peace organisation. Her activism focuses on educating people about the spiritual reality of life, human and animal rights, medical freedom and self-sovereignty. In 2021, Henna founded the international Police for Freedom movement – educating police and civilians about our natural rights, uniting them to stand for freedom in the face of tyranny.
Henna Maria states, "As a true lover of humanity, my heart rejoices at the sight of golden threads of human connection being weaved across the world right now. Through excruciating pain, we are finding our sacred boundaries again. We are remembering our purpose and our place in this Creation. It is with great honour and gratitude that I carry the medicine of the ancients and continue to walk the path of service."
Show links: https://hennamaria.community/
Have you checked out Re:Union Summit?
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Monday Aug 09, 2021
#103 - You Are Not A Slave: Land Patents Part 2 w/ Ron Gibson
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Ron Gibson is unsurpassed as a Land Patent historian, with over 50 years experience in land patents, water rights, right of way, and property rights. As a Constitutional scholar, and expert witness, teacher, defender, enforcer, and assistance provider it is no wonder that he is considered by many as a national treasure.
On our last episode of Alfacast, Dr. Barre Lando and Mike Winner laid the foundation for this all-important topic, and we are honored to now have Ron take us even deeper. He will not only add depth from first hand experience, but address the common misconceptions fostered by naysayers and purposeful disinformation agents.
Show links: http://americanmeetinggroup.com/ron-gibson/#landpatentbook
or email Ron at dritecrg@hotmail.com

Monday Aug 02, 2021
Monday Aug 02, 2021
The primary distinction between Feudalism & a Free Society is our right to Property Ownership. We have been defrauded from this Unalienable Right, but the time of the Great Reclamation is here.
Scholars, activists and truth seekers alike are now verifying that the free American Republic, and most countries in the world have been captured through fraudulent contracts into neo-feudalism. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the united States that fought the Revolutionary War over the right to property ownership, and not taxes as we have been led to believe.
Whether you have a home mortgage, "own" your home loan-free or pay rent to a landlord, Land Patents are the cornerstone to our collective future and ability to live Life to its fullest and freely prosper.
The erosion of our basic rights and quality of life has reached such dismaying proportions that many are now actively seeking remedy. Legal process of "political status correction" and formalized rebuttals to those who claim false authority have gone viral, but the issue of Land Patents does not receive proper attention.
In this very special in-house episode Dr. Barre Lando and Mike Winner will present Part 1: Gaining Allodial Title by reclaiming the original Land Patent on your property. We will discuss why this is equally important for those of you who consider yourselves "renters", and give prima facie evidence that we are all tenants paying rent, fees and fines, while requiring "permission" from the lords of a literal Feudal System through permits and licenses. If we do not reclaim our birthright to live free and unencumbered on the Land, we will forever be "lost at sea" in our present system of Admirality Law.
Presentation: https://www.alfavedic.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/LAND-PATENT.pdf
Ron Gibson's book: http://AmericanMeetingGroup.com/ron-gibson/#landpatentbook

Saturday Jul 24, 2021
#101 - The Art Of Speaking Your Truth Effectively w/ Benny Wills
Saturday Jul 24, 2021
Saturday Jul 24, 2021
Benny Wills is a communicator extraordinaire. He holds a Master of Fine Arts degree from the University of California, Irvine, and has sharpened his tools through extensive performing arts training and experience. He is an acclaimed poet, emcee, actor, teacher and coach, and has appeared on stages and television sets around the world. He is also the co-creator of the YouTube comedy channel JoyCamp.
"Speaking fluidly from the heart with your emotions in check can unlock a world of opportunities that many never get to experience."
Benny feels strongly that the world needs YOUR voice. His Parrhesia training was created to this aim, and has taken the meaning of "free speech" to new dimensions. Communication is the key to success, and Benny's immersive, hands-on training has empowered many who have unlocked their voice and freed their speech through this brilliant methodology.
"Even with your facts in order and truth on your side most people probably won’t want to hear what you have to say. Learn how to capture their interest, avoid arguments and build bridges."
Here at Alfacast we couldn't imagine a more timely guest to help heal the current climate of contentious polarization. If you have ever felt mislabeled, misrepresented or misunderstood you don't want to miss this episode as Benny shares his signature wit and brilliant insights.
Show links:
Hands Poem: https://youtu.be/nxq1T6yvKms
Have you checked out Re:Union Summit?
Also please look into donating to our current GoFundMe!

Friday Jul 16, 2021
#100 - Universal Consciousness & Our Right To Be Free w/ Alec Zeck
Friday Jul 16, 2021
Friday Jul 16, 2021
Alec Zeck is a speaker, writer, mind/body/spirit coach, and former Army Captain. He is the Executive Director and Founder of Health Freedom for Humanity, a non profit whose mission is to unite people from all walks of life under one common purpose: the reclamation and defense of health freedom, and the Co-founder of The Way Forward.
Alec’s work is centered on the notion that the universe is one being that is exploring itself in an infinite for the purpose of self-realization. With this context, his speaking and writing spans the spectrum of mind/body/spirit wellness, the Law of One, reconnecting with nature, childhood trauma healing, natural health, and identifying and mitigating the effects of oppressive systems.
Alec received his B.S. in Systems Engineering from the United States Military Academy at West Point. He and his siblings grew up in a very chaotic and abusive household where he was physically, emotionally and verbally abused. He had very little self-worth, so he learned to externalize in order to feel. His immersion in a military environment with a rigorous academic schedule, gave him the critical thinking skills, discipline, structure and time management skills that he needed, but he hadn’t yet healed his trauma and learned to find peace within.
After graduating, multiple traumatic events transpired that forced him to turn inward and heal his childhood trauma, and by chance, he discovered the Law of One. All of this happening in such a short timeframe led him down a rabbit hole of questioning and relearning everything he had been taught to accept (breaking through the conditioning) - health, medicine, politics, free will and the nature of reality, to name a few.
Through his writing Alec encourages others to think beyond what is fed to them and aims to help usher in the reality of unity to humanity’s next generation.
Show links:

Monday Jul 12, 2021
#99- The Solution For Everything Is Inside YOU! w/ Tom Barnett
Monday Jul 12, 2021
Monday Jul 12, 2021
Tom's questioning mind has given him a unique point of balance in several different fields, and Tom speaks only from experience rather than theory. He has been a political candidate, practiced true law, written two books and has lived homeless and without money. He always puts an experience before material or monetary gain which has given him many valuable lessons. Tom’s main goal with a client, or audience is to inspire them to open new avenues of thought.
Tom is the founder of Global Biodynamics which has become an impactful voice in the world of education, health, finance, organic farming, conservation, and more. The art of 'thinking for one's self' is a central theme in the seminars, retreats & corporate events sponsored by Global Biodynamics, and in today's show we dive deeper into this often lost art amongst the sleeping masses.
Show links:
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Sunday Jun 27, 2021
#98 - It's Time To Wake The Bear w/ Reinette Senum
Sunday Jun 27, 2021
Sunday Jun 27, 2021
Reinette Senum is an adventurer, storyteller, filmmaker, writer, community activist, and former city council member and mayor. Reinette's activism as a freedom advocate has more recently gained her acclaim, but she has always walked a unique path.
As a 27 year-old self-made adventurer in 1994 she battled sub-freezing temperatures, exhaustion and the vast loneliness of the Alaskan wild traveling over 1,500 miles hauling a sled weighing 160 pounds with her rescued sled dog. As the mayor of Nevada City, California, Reinette rose to her oath of office to oppose Governor Newsom's statewide mandate to wear masks by correctly asserting the order could not be enforced.
“As you go about your day today, KNOW there is NO LAW that Orders you to Wear a Mask. Our Governor does NOT have that unilateral power to make such orders. Ask our local Police chief or officers. They will not, and cannot, cite ANYBODY for not wearing a mask because the law does not exist.”
Reinette's bold response predictably drew the ire of the political class prompting her resignation from the City Council. Reinette stated “These lockdowns and what I would call ‘house arrests’ of a healthy public are draconian and are doing massive destruction upon our local economy and the overall well-being of our community. And when I would say that as an elected official, I got the wrath of God, so, I’m going to say it as a private and free citizen.”
Show links:
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Also please look into donating to our current GoFundMe!