Not your typical ’alternative health’ show, Alfacast is a weekly discovery into the often misunderstood realms of real science, nature and the human condition. Dr. Lando and Mike Winner cover an assortment of topics from a unique perspective seldom heard in today’s counter culture echo chamber.

Friday Mar 19, 2021
#87 - Speaking Our Truth Into Reality w/ Santos Bonacci
Friday Mar 19, 2021
Friday Mar 19, 2021
For over 30 years, Santos has been studying the ancient works, researching, compiling and translating the texts to produce an easier to understand compendium of AstroTheology. This information has been brought together in a network of media platforms including The Universal Truth School Website, where Santos' Syncretic music and products are also available.
On this episode Santos will share how "Syncretism" brings together all the fields of knowledge and wisdom and the interrelatedness of all things.
Syncretism is the opposite of division and disunity and covers all the big topics like; Theology, Astrotheology, Natural Science, Astrology, Reclaiming Dominion, Breaking the fictions of Religion, Science and Law, and the Holy Science, an ancient science based on the workings of the solar system, which is the science of, ‘as above so below’.
These sciences enable one to develop wisdom and enlightenment far beyond what this world currently has to offer. Syncretism shows how all the Ancient Legendary Stories, Myths, Bibles, Fairy Tales etc, all have one simple common origin. In all of these wonderful ancient classics, the Personae are always the same, under different names.
Here at Alfacast we're also keenly interested in Santos' involvement in breakthrough natural healing modalities based on these very same Syncretic principles. Join us as we traverse the realms of Universal Knowledge with this masterful teacher.
Show links:
Join us at Re:Union Summit 21! This is going to be a next level event, get a ton of free gifts for signing up today! Join us at https://alfavedic.com/reunion

Friday Mar 12, 2021
#86 - Natural Light Nutrition & Beyond w/ Matt Maruca
Friday Mar 12, 2021
Friday Mar 12, 2021
"Our Health May Be Created by the Light from Outside, but It All Begins with the Light from Within."
Matt Maruca is the Founder and CEO of Ra Optical. As a child Matt struggled constantly with debilitating headaches, allergies, and gut issues. He spent years trying Western medical drugs, Eastern diets and herbs, and modern diets and supplements to no avail, but everything changed when he learned about the role of mitochondria in producing energy and maintaining health in the body.
Matt's research led to the understanding that all chronic diseases manifest when mitochondria are severely damaged, and at the root of his own health issues. This led to the realization of why his own mitochondria had become compromised.
In Matt's own words: "Mitochondria are “electromagnetic” in nature, which means that their ability to process food and make energy is controlled by light. Every night, a hormone called melatonin helps to repair our mitochondria while we sleep."
"The problem was, I was sabotaging myself with my late-night TV, phone, and computer use, destroying my melatonin level and my mitochondria. The Blue Light frequencies in devices mimic the sun and tricked my brain into thinking it was daytime and that I didn’t need to sleep. I had to find a way to reset my circadian rhythm so my mitochondria could get the rest and repair needed." This would become the origin of Ra Optics.
Tune in, and you just may find the solution for your own lingering symptoms, and better understand why insomnia is the most prevalent symptom in our society today.
Show links:
Get 10% off Matt's Ra Optics eye wear with our link!
Join us at Re:Union Summit 21! This is going to be a next level event, get a ton of free gifts for signing up today! Join us at https://alfavedic.com/reunion

Friday Mar 05, 2021
#85 - Opening The Portal To Freedom w/ Steve Whybrow & Eril Kaya
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Truth – Freedom – Love is the Trinity.
The only Authority is Natural Law – for Nothing escapes the Law."
Freedom fighters and spiritual samurais Steven Whybrow and Eril Kaya join Alfacast for a timely & lively roundtable. Discussion topics will include Occulted Knowledge, the Matrix Control System, Natural Law Principles, Freedom for Humanity, Notice of Liability and the practice of Gnosis as the ultimate Knowledge of Initiation.
As conscious activists Steven and Eril have been central to big happenings in Austrian events as of late. In Steven's own words:
"We cannot even put into words what is happening here in Austria ... we had 100.000+ people in the streets taking over the city of Vienna for real. Police totally stopped, matrix control system going crazy, police marching with the people ... amazing! We are literally in the middle of getting rid of the entire Mafia system of control in Austria. We are now putting all of our efforts into taking our country back ... from our perspective it can expand out into the World. That's the basic Focus of my Notice of Liability, De-Constructing / De-Occulting the Pyramid System of Control."
Eril and Steven co-founded The Gnostic Takeover, with "You want to Lock us down? We Take you down" being the central motto. The Gnostic Takeover is proactively confronting the 5G rollout through the sending of 'Notice of Liability' to agents of the system that are, knowingly or unknowingly, causing harm to all sentient beings on the planet, while developing an international version of a Notice of Liability based on Natural Law Principles on which the Universe is founded upon.
Show links: https://www.patreon.com/thegnostictak...

Friday Feb 26, 2021
#84 - Magic In The Modern World w/ Gordon White
Friday Feb 26, 2021
Friday Feb 26, 2021
Gordon White has lived and travelled all over the world and moved onto a little permaculture farm in Southern Tasmania at the beginning of 2018.
Australian by birth, Gordon White’s family has strong connections to the wider South Pacific thanks to his grandfather’s experience in colonial administration in Nauru and New Guinea. He spent much of his early years exploring and diving in Micronesia, Melanesia and Polynesia. Gordon first became interested in western occultism at the age of thirteen, following a series of intense dream experiences, and this interest became a lifelong pursuit.
His esoteric leanings found an inspirational overlap with his exploration of the Pacific following the publication of Graham Hancock’s classic Fingerprint of the Gods. This led him to study documentary production at a university level, film an underwater documentary about Nan Madol and then go on to work for BBC Magazines, Discovery Channel and news media companies in both hemispheres.
After moving to London, he held senior data and analytics positions in global media companies, as well as starting a chaos magic blog and podcast called Rune Soup… which ultimately led to the publication of his first three books, The Chaos Protocols, Star.Ships: A Prehistory of the Spirits and Pieces of Eight. Over the course of this journey, Gordon has had the privilege of speaking to some of the world’s leading authorities in Assyriology, religious studies, genetic research, hermeticism, psi research, the history of western magic and ufology.
The overriding mission of his work is an attempt to cohere an evidence-based western magical worldview that combines history, paranormal research, the best available scientific research and ufology.
Show links:

Saturday Feb 20, 2021
#83 - Finding The Ultimate Spirit Path w/ Dr. Gabriel Cousens
Saturday Feb 20, 2021
Saturday Feb 20, 2021
Gabriel Cousens functions as a Holistic Physician, Homeopath, Psychiatrist, Family Therapist, Ayurvedic Practitioner and a Chinese Herbalist. In addition, he’s a best selling author, and considered one of the leading live-food vegan medical doctors, holistic physicians and the world expert on spiritual nutrition.
Cousens graduated cum laude from Amherst College where he was captain of an undefeated football team, and received an M.D. degree from Columbia Medical School in 1969. He completed a psychiatry residency in 1973, and served as a lieutenant commander in the U.S. Public Health Service. Dr. Cousens was the Chief Mental Health Consultant for the Sonoma County Operation Head Start and a consultant for the California State Department of Mental Health. He is a former member of the Board of Trustees of the American Holistic Medical Association (AHMA).
Dr. Cousens has published numerous scientific papers, and since 1973 Dr. Cousens has presented seminars on topics including health and nutrition, psycho-spiritual healing, meditation and spiritual awareness.
Dr. Cousens is internationally celebrated as a spiritual master, and rabbi with extensive study and personal experience in three major spiritual traditions that have given him a unique, authentic, interfaith and unified worldview.
Together with his background in Taoism having studied at the main Shaolin Temple in China, his many designations attest to a dynamic, eclectic, comprehensive body of practical knowledge that creates the foundation for his unique teachings on Holistic Liberation and Live Food Veganism.
In 1986, Gabriel Cousens, M.D. planted the seed for the Cousens’ School of Holistic Wellness, which now offers the world’s first live food vegan Masters program in organic, veganic farming in blue-green architecture and building intra-disciplinary technology for creating fully holistic infrastructures for communities. He is the director and founder of the Tree of Life Foundation, which now has thirty-two centers throughout the world. His Tree of Life Center US, located in pristine Patagonia, AZ, has been called by Harper’s Magazine, “One of the world’s best ten yoga and detoxification retreats”.
Site links:

Friday Feb 12, 2021
#82 - Sports, Humor & Our Bodily Sovereignty w/ Dr. Tommy John
Friday Feb 12, 2021
Friday Feb 12, 2021
Dr. Tommy John is a performance coach and healer and a leading, unapologetic voice across the globe in the medical freedom movement of today. A former professional athlete and published author with three degrees following his name, Dr. Tommy is both scholar and teacher, patient and healer, private and general. He owns and operates the Dr. Tommy John Performance and Healing Center in San Diego and with over 20 years of clinical experience, he's impacted countless lives with his proven "Way to Live Utilizing the 8 Essentials to Performance and Healing," a system for harnessing action steps to adapt and thrive in this lifetime.
At the core of this work, his patients relearn what it is to be truly sovereign and free within their bodies. For given these liberties, the body self heals, regenerates and holds the power to cure itself from anything, to actualize any vision, dream or desire. But we must be free.
With body sovereignty at the heart of his life's work, in 2020 Dr, Tommy became a founding member of Health Freedom for Humanity. Here he continues to fight for the inalienable right for all to live free and thrive. It’s time the authenticity of humanity became popular.
“I stand for bodily freedom when it comes to health and medical intervention.”
Show links:
Alfa Vedic is an off-grid agriculture & health co-op focused on developing products, media & educational platforms for the betterment of our world. By using advanced scientific methods, cutting-edge technologies and tools derived from the knowledge of the world's greatest minds, the AV community aims to be a model for the future we all want to see.
Our comprehensive line of health products and nutrition is available on our website. Most products are hand mixed and formulated right on our off grid farm including our Immortality Teas which we grow on site.
Find them all at

Thursday Feb 04, 2021
#81 - Discerning Reality Through the Trivium-Quadrivium w/ Dr. Lando & Mike Winner
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
It has long been foretold that the final battle prior to the "Age of the Great Enlightenment" would be fought on the mental plane. Make no mistake, we are in the darkest throes in the realization of this prophecy. Big tech, working in conjunction with their de facto government proxies and corporate media mouth-pieces have pulled out all stops. No matter which side of the ideological divide you fancy, you are either being overtly lied to, or falling victim to information omission.
Take heart for their is an accessible solution that the would-be controllers fear most, Logic! It's for good reason, that the science of 'Critical Thought', once the core of all educational curriculum, has been methodically removed from academia. Do you wonder why we find ourselves divided from each other's humanity, and why seemingly intelligent people react in a childish manner, when introduced to information that could well set them free? It was for good reason that the great philosophers and teachers of the ages understood that the advancement of any civilization was directly proportionate to the capacity of it's citizenry to engage in critical thought.
In times past this system of data collection, analysis and rhetorical sharing was known as the Trivium-Quadrivium. This weeks Alfacast entertains this topic, and give examples of how this easy to learn technique can be used within any profession, or simply as your personal BS Meter for greater levels of discernment. We also go beyond the current concepts into new ideas of how these classical techniques can be used for our ever-expanding consciousness.
Alfa Vedic is an off-grid agriculture & health co-op focused on developing products, media & educational platforms for the betterment of our world. By using advanced scientific methods, cutting-edge technologies and tools derived from the knowledge of the world's greatest minds, the AV community aims to be a model for the future we all want to see.
Our comprehensive line of health products and nutrition is available on our website. Most products are hand mixed and formulated right on our off grid farm including our Immortality Teas which we grow on site.
Find them all at https://alfavedic.com

Friday Jan 29, 2021
#80 - Unlocking Life Through The Science Of Light w/ Dr. Jacob Liberman
Friday Jan 29, 2021
Friday Jan 29, 2021
Dr. Jacob Israel Liberman is a pioneer in the fields of light, vision and consciousness, and the author of Luminous Life: How The Science Of Light Unlocks The Art Of Living, Light: Medicine Of The Future, Take Off Your Glasses And See, and Wisdom From An Empty Mind. Originally trained as an optometrist and vision scientist, his life changed in 1976 after the miraculous healing of his own eyesight, leading him to a deeper understanding of light and the science of life. Having helped countless individuals recover their eyesight, he began to understand the words of Jonathan Swift, “Real vision is the ability to see the invisible.”
A recipient of the H.R. Spitler Award for his groundbreaking contributions to the field of phototherapy, Dr. Liberman is the inventor of the Vis-Flex, Color Receptivity Trainer,
Spectral Receptivity System I, II and III, and EYEPORT Vision Training System, the first FDA-cleared medical device that significantly improves overall visual performance. He is on the Board of Directors of the International Light Association and is a faculty member of the Institute for Scientific Exploration.
Jacob also serves on the Advisory Board of the Institute for Science, Spirituality and Sustainability, as well as Nura Health SPC, working together with other distinguished experts to develop an informational platform for documenting Integrative Medicine.
An internationally respected public speaker and recipient of the 2019 International Light Association’s Frances McManemin Award for Achievement in Light Medicine, Dr. Liberman shares his scientific and spiritual discoveries about light as the divine spark that guides our life’s journey, entwining us with the unseen architect of all that is.
He has addressed more than 2,000 live audiences worldwide and has been endorsed by award-winning artists, Hall of Fame athletes, and luminaries in science, spirituality and medicine. His work has been featured in countless journals, television, radio and print media. Gently piercing the heart and mind with timeless principles and common sense wisdom, Liberman illuminates the seamless connection between light, vision and consciousness, offering a whole new way of seeing and being.
Show links:

Thursday Jan 21, 2021
#79 - Countering the 3D Control Grid w/ Sofia Smallstorm
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Independent researcher, Sofia Smallstorm, Joins Alfacast to Discuss the Complex Events Behind Hidden Agendas & the Current Biological False Flag.
Sofia Smallstorm is a graduate of Brown University, and an independent researcher who has written and presented extensively on hidden agendas and complex events since her work on 9/11. In the process of researching that topic she discovered the phenomenon of artificial clouds and geoengineering—or chemtrails. From this, she came to acknowledge the presence of a synthetic biology agenda in the activities that constitute everyday life. In 2013 she began researching corporate government, the legal doctrine of parens patriae, technocracy and the “smart” control grid, and the impact this is having on public freedom and public health.
We tackle a ton of subject matter pertinent to Sofia's extensive body of research including how to navigate in the present world of biological false flags.
Show links:
Alfa Vedic is an off-grid agriculture & health co-op focused on developing products, media & educational platforms for the betterment of our world. By using advanced scientific methods, cutting-edge technologies and tools derived from the knowledge of the world's greatest minds, the AV community aims to be a model for the future we all want to see.
Our comprehensive line of health products and nutrition is available on our website. Most products are hand mixed and formulated right on our off grid farm including our Immortality Teas which we grow on site.
Find them all at https://alfavedic.com

Friday Jan 15, 2021
#78 - Conscious Hip-hop For Mass Awakening w/ Ask Gabz & Guydence
Friday Jan 15, 2021
Friday Jan 15, 2021
Artists have always played a pivotal role during times of great change and upheaval. When hope seems lost and the fear of uncertainty prevails, nothing can speak to the heart of any matter more powerfully than music.
Ask Gabz and Guydence are Hip Hop Artists shining light on the present theater of fear & divisiveness, their brilliant lyrics have touched many hearts, but their surging popularity has not gone unnoticed by those who wish us to conform.
Truth is the first casualty of tyranny as they say, but these two artists have undauntingly delivered their message against all attempts to censor or silence.
It is time for more artists to shun the confines of formula conformity, and return to their artistic roots as vehicles for positive change.