Not your typical ’alternative health’ show, Alfacast is a weekly discovery into the often misunderstood realms of real science, nature and the human condition. Dr. Lando and Mike Winner cover an assortment of topics from a unique perspective seldom heard in today’s counter culture echo chamber.

Thursday Jan 25, 2024
#216 - The End of Medical Mythology Part II w/ Dr. Barre Lando & Mike Winner
Thursday Jan 25, 2024
Thursday Jan 25, 2024
As the fear prepping for micro-terrorist redux is now in obvious full-tilt, what better time to have a good chuckle at the expense of those not-so-clever think-tankers attempting to resurrect the far-reaching medical indoctrination scams that Mel Brooks could only term 'ludicrous speed'?!
In our recent, well-received episode "The End of Medical Mythology" we elaborated on six etiological categories of the origins of dis-ease to dispel the historically debunked notion of germ theory and biological entropism.
We went out on a tautological limb with multiple illness examples from the various levels of Bioterrain function to illustrate the commonality of all symptoms with the degradation of bioterrain integrity.
Bottom line, the only situation we've fallen victim to is institutionalized ignorance, while the issues affecting our good health have nothing to do with germs, death molecules or being dealt a bum DNA deck of cards.
In this sequel installment we'll contrast the consequences of a compromised biology guided by fear-based hypnosis, with an Alchemical appreciation of the full Etheric-Physiological continuum that would reveal the means to eradicate both mythology & malady through the transmutational magic of Nature's Design.
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Use code WINNER10 for discount to this year's Confluence event.
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Learn how to express your law and uphold your rights as one of mankind.
Alfa Vedic is an off-grid agriculture & health co-op focused on developing products, media & educational platforms for the betterment of our world. By using advanced scientific methods, cutting-edge technologies and tools derived from the knowledge of the world's greatest minds, the AV community aims to be a model for the future we all want to see.
Our comprehensive line of health products and nutrition is available on our website. Most products are hand mixed and formulated right on our off grid farm including our Immortality Teas which we grow on site. Find them all at https://alfavedic.com
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Friday Jan 19, 2024
#215 - The Death Of Scientism w/ Steve Young
Friday Jan 19, 2024
Friday Jan 19, 2024
Theoretical & Nuclear Physicist turned music producer & DJ, Steve Young aka "Hedflux", returns to Alfacast for an exclusive preview of his soon-to-be-released book, tentatively titled "Conspiracies of Science and the Secret Art of Alchemy".
In our last interview Steve elaborated on his quest to find scientific explanations for the shamanic experience, and the Alchemy of Music through the harmonics of 432HZ
"I was finally led toward the ancient art of Alchemy. Artists and philosophers have for millennia contemplated the nature of Truth and sought beautiful and enduring ways to express it, while the ruling classes have worked to hide, obscure and distort it, preferring to keep the public divided in ignorance." ~Steve Young
Steve has honored Alfacast with the formal announcement of his upcoming publication, and we couldn't be more thrilled!
As Steve explains, "I originally wanted to write a book about Alchemy, since this was the single greatest knowledge discovery of my life, and I have desperately wanted to share that beautiful wisdom with people in my own words, though it's proven to be not an easy task. I discovered the hard way that many are not ready to hear, and what seems clear and beautiful and divine to me can sound like total obscure nonsense to someone else."
"It became apparent that I couldn't very well teach people about alchemy without first showing them how all of the modern science dogma they've been force-fed since birth, is incorrect. So, the book is two parts, 12 chapters each. The first part is a nigredo of sorts, where the commonly held theories that underpin physics, chemistry and biology are rebuked and incinerated in the fires of criticism, reduced to their ashes. This is my best attempt at countering the counter-intelligence propaganda that has corrupted science at the root level."
"Simply put, Nature is motion through transmutation, and Alchemy is the demonstration of these principles." ~ Dr. Barre Lando
"The second part is an albedo, it's all about bringing the light, unveiling the true science of alchemy, here I dive into many different aspects of The Art, the history, the elements, the principles, the seven processes and their correspondence to life and creativity."
Show links:
Join Barre & Mike at Anarchapulco early next year! Use code ALFAVEDIC for discount!
Use code WINNER10 for discount to this year's Confluence event.
Follow our new YT channel: / @offgridelegance
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Learn how to express your law and uphold your rights as one of mankind.
Alfa Vedic is an off-grid agriculture & health co-op focused on developing products, media & educational platforms for the betterment of our world. By using advanced scientific methods, cutting-edge technologies and tools derived from the knowledge of the world's greatest minds, the AV community aims to be a model for the future we all want to see.
Our comprehensive line of health products and nutrition is available on our website. Most products are hand mixed and formulated right on our off grid farm including our Immortality Teas which we grow on site. Find them all at https://alfavedic.com
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Thursday Jan 11, 2024
#214 - Where The Wild Things Roam w/ Michael Wann
Thursday Jan 11, 2024
Thursday Jan 11, 2024
Astrologer-story teller, Michael Wann, rejoins Alfacast for a probability glimpse into 2024 & how to navigate the last ditch containment efforts of a flailing Matrix.
Michael Wann returns with his insightful knack of ferreting truth from mainstream fiction, and this episode will surely be as entertaining & informative as our prior chat with this master story-teller.
"By using Matrix consciousness to navigate the Matrix, you will always remain in the Matrix.
Today's tenuous climate of escalating encroachments on personal freedoms has only re-awakened the free-range inclinations instilled by our creator, but there's a less discussed corollary in this collective journey. Freedom will continue to elude us in the absence of Liberty, that is, the moral imperative to act in a just and responsible way.
"The first step to escape The Matrix is training your awareness to be LESS focused on The Matrix and MORE focused on the Simulation and Greater Reality."
Michael was born and raised in the heart of the machine, in a Rockefeller-funded, social-experiment village, located outside of Washington, DC. Shortly after 9/11 he began to slowly move away from mainstream living, thinking and values, while 2017 marked his entrance into the syncro-mystic, alt-history podcasting realm with his groundbreaking research on the Susquehanna River. Since then, he has been a guest on countless shows, sharing his unique understanding of reality, consciousness and society.
In 2022, Michael accepted an invitation to present his findings to a group of high ranking Freemasons despite not being a member of any secret society. Immediately after that fateful night, the infrastructure of his personal life collapsed and a free fall began….until he learned to fly.
No longer an armchair culture-critic, Michael has fully embraced life as a nomadic astrologer, moving in and out of the matrix, while no longer being a part of it. Now, as a Skywalker, or Arrow Circulator, he travels the land in a circle, preparing it for a new paradigm, that is different than the technocratic dictatorship the past 4 generations have been indoctrinated to both build and accept. He does this by teaching and practicing natural astrology, as means to re-wild consciousness outside of matrix paradigm programing.
Michael's audiences find him light, fun, philosophical and immensely creative, with strong communications skills into the Collective Subconscious and the Universal. Prepare to go deep into both the destructive and transformative qualities of the subconscious.
Show links:
Join Barre & Mike at Anarchapulco early next year! Use code ALFAVEDIC for discount!
Use code WINNER10 for discount to this year's Confluence event.
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Learn how to express your law and uphold your rights as one of mankind.
Alfa Vedic is an off-grid agriculture & health co-op focused on developing products, media & educational platforms for the betterment of our world. By using advanced scientific methods, cutting-edge technologies and tools derived from the knowledge of the world's greatest minds, the AV community aims to be a model for the future we all want to see.
Our comprehensive line of health products and nutrition is available on our website. Most products are hand mixed and formulated right on our off grid farm including our Immortality Teas which we grow on site. Find them all at https://alfavedic.com
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Thursday Jan 04, 2024
#213 - The End of Medical Mythology w/ Barre Lando & Mike Winner
Thursday Jan 04, 2024
Thursday Jan 04, 2024
In the aftermath of the last two years of orchestrated chaos truth has gathered momentum. The official narrative is just too far-fetched for anyone with a modicum of smarts to swallow, especially anything espoused from the mouthpieces of the failed medical industry.
Actors in white coats, unscrupulous administrators and celebrity prostitutes are having one heck of a time jiving transparent falsehoods with observable fact.
The existence of a long-standing and pernicious medical conspiracy to promulgate a belief in microscopic terrorists, and purposely manufacture chronic angst in anticipation of the inevitable "diagnosis" raises reasonable questions in warm-blooded individuals. Who? Why? We have answers to those questions, but that is not the subject of this Alfacast episode.
To understand the origins of dis-ease in its many variations one is required to know the fundamentals of Natural Design. At once, the incongruities of institutionalized stupidity will fade when contrasted with sound logic, empirical evidence and positive results.
Join us in this forensic journey into the miraculous human vehicle from biological to etheric and everything in-between. Truth is the antidote for all that ails us, and it is now accessible to all desiring freedom from fear-based control.
To dive deeper into the true nature of dis-ease join our new private community platform here: https://alfavedic.com/join-us/
Along with the many current resources and discussion groups about this topic, we will soon be featuring the entire End Of Covid series from earlier this year!
Today's PDF presentation: https://alfavedic.com/terrain-overview/
Join Barre & Mike at Anarchapulco early next year!
Follow our new YT channel: / @offgridelegance
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Learn how to express your law and uphold your rights as one of mankind.
Alfa Vedic is an off-grid agriculture & health co-op focused on developing products, media & educational platforms for the betterment of our world. By using advanced scientific methods, cutting-edge technologies and tools derived from the knowledge of the world's greatest minds, the AV community aims to be a model for the future we all want to see.
Our comprehensive line of health products and nutrition is available on our website. Most products are hand mixed and formulated right on our off grid farm including our Immortality Teas which we grow on site. Find them all at https://alfavedic.com
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Wednesday Dec 27, 2023
#212 - Sur-Thriving The Great Transition w/ Curtis Stone
Wednesday Dec 27, 2023
Wednesday Dec 27, 2023
Calling all gardeners, farmers, entrepreneurs and homesteaders! Alfacast friend, Curtis Stone, joins the Alfacast crew for a comprehensive tutorial on procuring, securing & farming your land.
Curtis believes, as we do, that growing your own food is the ultimate expression of freedom, and to this end created Freedom Farmers, Liberty on the Land and From the Field.
"The best way to become self-reliant is to learn the necessary skills and to surround yourself with others who are embarking on the same journey."
At each of these sites you'll at once realize that you are not alone in seeking the assistance and camaraderie of a like-minded community of folks following the same inner prompting to seek self-reliance in these tenuous times.
"We are a global community of like-minded farmers, gardeners, entrepreneurs and homesteaders who are in this together."
Make no mistake, these coming months will require greater resolve and equanimity in the face of uncertainty than ever before, but good fortune does, indeed, favor preparedness!
Site links:
Join Barre & Mike at Anarchapulco early next year!
Follow our new YT channel: / @offgridelegance
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Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
#211 - The Real Power Of Mind Over Water w/ Raymon Grace
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
Renown water dowser, Raymon Grace, joins Alfacast to explore our innate abilities, and healing planetary waters through energetic methodologies.
Raymon Grace is a water witcher, to use the vernacular of the Appalachian Mountains, where Raymon lives. Dowsing, as it's more commonly termed, is an art that has been used for a long time to find underground water veins.
Some people scoff at dowsing, but not the ones who drilled a well and found good water where the water witcher said it would be.
Raymon is the president and founder of the Raymon Grace Foundation with a mission focus of cleaning planetary waters for present and future generations. What sets The Raymon Grace Foundation apart from other ecologically-minded groups is his employment of dowsing, and energetic methods of cleaning contaminated waters.
As a world renown energy dowser, and featured speaker at dowsing conferences, The Edgar Cayce Foundation of Research & Enlightenment, The Monroe Institute, The Coptic Conferences and many similar events, Raymon has authored three books, The Future is Yours - Do Something About it, Techniques That Work For Me, and Seasons of April, which have been translated into Italian, Spanish, Chinese and Russian.
I heard of this practice all my life and a neighbor had a good reputation for finding water, but seems no one went beyond finding water with this ability.
Raymon has evolved his dowsing & energy work since he commenced training in 1973, and has shared his knowledge with thousands of people worldwide. During this time he has traveled the world exploring healing modalities from many cultures, including India, Bali, Thailand, Cambodia, Little Tibet, South America, South Africa, & Kashmir.
Never did I ever think in my wildest dreams that a mountain man from the hills of Virginia would present to me the most authentic healing modality I have encountered to date!
Raymon feels that most people have more mental ability than they are aware of, and if they are not aware of it, they don’t use it. Dowsing is a way to improve our intuition and receive information we might not receive otherwise. It can help us make better decisions in most any part of our life.
If there is something in the human mind that can detect water many feet underground, then why can we not use this same ability for other things? We can!!
Join us on this fascinating and inspiring episode, as we explore untapped human potential, and our innate capacity to heal the life-giving waters of our Realm.
Show links:
Join Mike and a slew of Alfacast favorites at the Mount Meru 2 Summit Dec 8-9
And join Raymon, Barre & Mike at Anarchapulco early next year!
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Learn how to express your law and uphold your rights as one of mankind.
Alfa Vedic is an off-grid agriculture & health co-op focused on developing products, media & educational platforms for the betterment of our world. By using advanced scientific methods, cutting-edge technologies and tools derived from the knowledge of the world's greatest minds, the AV community aims to be a model for the future we all want to see.
Our comprehensive line of health products and nutrition is available on our website. Most products are hand mixed and formulated right on our off grid farm including our Immortality Teas which we grow on site. Find them all at https://alfavedic.com
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Friday Dec 08, 2023
#210 - Reading The Stars For What Is To Come w/ Robert Phoenix
Friday Dec 08, 2023
Friday Dec 08, 2023
On this episode we delve further into our investigation of the Skyclock with Robert Phoenix, a practicing astrologer since 2008. Prior to that, during the 90’s he was a tarot reader/psychic. In between, stints with music, journalism and Dotcommery were part of his life.
In 2013, Robert’s “11th House” series debuted on Gaia TV. He produced and hosted 25 episodes of cutting edge, mundane astrology. To this day, it’s still some of the most popular content on Gaia.
He currently curates the 11th House on YouTube where he produces and hosts “The AstroWeather,” “Sirius Sports”, “The Friday FARcast”, “Sunday Night AstroLive,” and “Fifteen Minutes Ov Flame” currently on Boxcast TV, T-Thur at 9:11AM CST.
In addition to these alt-media productions, Robert also gives personal readings for clients
through his website robertphoenix.com.
We're looking forward to a lively & informative roundtable with Robert to learn more from his unique Astrological perspective.
Show links:
Join Mike and a slew of Alfacast favorites at the Mount Meru 2 Summit Dec 8-9
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Learn how to express your law and uphold your rights as one of mankind.
Alfa Vedic is an off-grid agriculture & health co-op focused on developing products, media & educational platforms for the betterment of our world. By using advanced scientific methods, cutting-edge technologies and tools derived from the knowledge of the world's greatest minds, the AV community aims to be a model for the future we all want to see.
Our comprehensive line of health products and nutrition is available on our website. Most products are hand mixed and formulated right on our off grid farm including our Immortality Teas which we grow on site. Find them all at https://alfavedic.com
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Thursday Nov 23, 2023
#209 - Awareness Is The Universal Antidote w/ Dr. Amandha Vollmer
Thursday Nov 23, 2023
Thursday Nov 23, 2023
Amandha Dawn Vollmer is in the house, and we couldn't be more excited!
Our first episode with Amandha provoked an immediate furball reaction with the YT censorship apparatus, with the prompt removal of the video. Fortunately, we'll be posting all of our censored too-much-truth installments next week on the new AV site.
Amandha Dawn Vollmer, affectionately known as ADV, is a renowned health expert and best-selling author with an impressive breadth of knowledge on natural healing and holistic wellness practices.
With over 20 years of experience in the field, ADV is a sought-after speaker and educator who has inspired countless individuals to take control of their health and live vibrant, thriving lives.
ADV's passion for natural healing and alternative medicine was sparked at an early age, and she has dedicated her life to studying and sharing her knowledge with others. Her deep
understanding of the human body and its innate ability to heal itself has led her to develop a range of powerful, natural remedies that have helped thousands of people to overcome chronic illness and achieve optimal health.
Some of ADV's greatest contributions to the health and wellness community are her
websites: YumNaturals.store, DMSO.store, Yummy.Doctor and Healing with DMSO.com.
These comprehensive online resources provide a wealth of solutions and information on
natural healing, including articles, videos, and podcasts on a variety of topics ranging from nutrition and
detoxification to frequency medicine and natural remedies.
Amandha teaches the truth about this world (gentle or blunt); her breadth of knowledge delves into politics, law, physics, philosophy, corrected history, and cosmology. ADV is truly a beacon of light in the health and wellness community... and she can swear like a trucker, too!
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Follow our new YT channel: / @offgridelegance
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Learn how to express your law and uphold your rights as one of mankind.
Alfa Vedic is an off-grid agriculture & health co-op focused on developing products, media & educational platforms for the betterment of our world. By using advanced scientific methods, cutting-edge technologies and tools derived from the knowledge of the world's greatest minds, the AV community aims to be a model for the future we all want to see.
Our comprehensive line of health products and nutrition is available on our website. Most products are hand mixed and formulated right on our off grid farm including our Immortality Teas which we grow on site. Find them all at https://alfavedic.com
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Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
#208 - It’s Time We All Get Off The Plantation w/ Larken Rose
Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
Strap in for this one! Larken Rose is here to share his latest film, Jones Plantation, to deliver a most timely message to every member of humanity that must now decide which master they choose to serve.
You can control a man with brute violence but you can never truly OWN a man until he's convinced that your word is law, and obedience is a virtue.
Larken Rose is an outspoken advocate of the principles of self-ownership, non-aggression and a stateless society, and is the author of a number of books (including "The Most Dangerous Superstition") and creator of numerous articles and videos.
In Larken's own words, "The primary threat to freedom and justice is not greed, or hatred, or any of the other emotions or human flaws usually blamed for such things. Instead, it is one ubiquitous superstition which infects the minds of people of all races, religions and nationalities, which deceives decent, well-intentioned people into supporting and advocating violence and oppression. Even without making human beings one bit more wise or virtuous, removing that one superstition would remove the vast majority of injustice and suffering from the world."
Jone's Plantation further evolves Larken's remarkable decades of work for those who dare question any Earthly claim to "authority". For those who believe in "paying their fair share", and compliance at the any cost, "may your chains rest lightly ... ."
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Alfa Vedic is an off-grid agriculture & health co-op focused on developing products, media & educational platforms for the betterment of our world. By using advanced scientific methods, cutting-edge technologies and tools derived from the knowledge of the world's greatest minds, the AV community aims to be a model for the future we all want to see.
Our comprehensive line of health products and nutrition is available on our website. Most products are hand mixed and formulated right on our off grid farm including our Immortality Teas which we grow on site. Find them all at https://alfavedic.com
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Thursday Nov 09, 2023
#207 - Uncovering Our Real History Through Bio-Geology w/ Mike Wilkerson
Thursday Nov 09, 2023
Thursday Nov 09, 2023
Are many land & rock formations actually petrified Titanic beings, mega flora & fauna from another era? Bio-Geologist, Dr. Mike Wilkerson, is here to tell us why this may indeed be true!
Mike Wilkerson has always had a knack for asking unconventional questions. As a teen computer hobbyist turned hacker in the early 80s, his thirst for knowledge led to wild adventures with some of the top hackers in the nation. But in 1985, the fun ended in a brief incarceration, after being caught for his infiltration of computer servers at Microsoft and three other Seattle area companies.
Though he has walked the straight and narrow since then, Mikes propensity towards questioning the unquestionables has never waned. In the decades that followed, he morphed from a mischievous hacker, to a benevolent back-cracker.
For over a decade now, Mike has lived and worked as a chiropractor on the Costa Blanca in Spain, where his mission is to improve the health of the world one spine and mind at a time.
As a part-time independent researcher, Mike has focused primarily on alternative history, non-standard cosmologies, catastrophism and rapid petrification. Some of his presentations are available on his Stellium7 YT channel.
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/ @stellium7
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Alfa Vedic is an off-grid agriculture & health co-op focused on developing products, media & educational platforms for the betterment of our world. By using advanced scientific methods, cutting-edge technologies and tools derived from the knowledge of the world's greatest minds, the AV community aims to be a model for the future we all want to see.
Our comprehensive line of health products and nutrition is available on our website. Most products are hand mixed and formulated right on our off grid farm including our Immortality Teas which we grow on site. Find them all at https://alfavedic.com
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