Not your typical ’alternative health’ show, Alfacast is a weekly discovery into the often misunderstood realms of real science, nature and the human condition. Dr. Lando and Mike Winner cover an assortment of topics from a unique perspective seldom heard in today’s counter culture echo chamber.

Wednesday May 10, 2023
#187 - Beat The Energy Blues w/ Dr. Scott Sherr
Wednesday May 10, 2023
Wednesday May 10, 2023
Make no mistake, bodies are under full tactical assault from our misguided brethren that bring us cell tower radiation, genetic tampering and believe it's their prerogative to aerosol us like so many bugs on the ground. Have heart! The Creator's Design supersedes all when accompanied by our fully implemented A-game.
Today Scott Sherr MD is here to share a real game-changer. Methylene Blue works at the source of energy production in the mitochondrial powerhouse of mammalian cells, and his company Troscriptions has revolutionized MB supplementation.
Dr. Scott Sherr is a Board-Certified Internal Medicine Physician Certified to Practice Health Optimization Medicine (HOMe), a specialist in Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT), and COO of Troscriptions (a Smarter Not Harder company).
His clinical telepractice includes HOMe as its foundation alongside an integrative approach to HBOT that includes cutting edge and dynamic HBOT protocols, comprehensive testing (using the HOMe framework), targeted supplementation, personal practices, synergistic technologies (new, ancient, psychedelic), and more.
Scott will give us the ins & outs of Methylene Blue beginning with its long history, biochemical mechanisms and more recent rediscovery as a potent adjunct to performance and cognitive enhancement.
Whether you're an athlete, desire greater mental focus or have a loved one in cognitive decline due to the ravages of ubiquitous biotoxins, this informative and timely roundtable just may make a huge difference.
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Tuesday May 02, 2023
#186 - Turning The Tide Of Transhumanism w/ James Tunney
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Our Alfacast guest, James Tunney, left a successful academic career in law to focus on spiritual and artistic development.
As a prolific writer within academia and working as an international consultant, James is noted for his presentations on the various aspects of globalization in many countries around the world.
James has refocused his creative talents to an in-depth exploration into Mysticism and Scientism through his brilliant works to include his most recent publication, Plantation of the Automatons: Rule of an Automaticity Loop, a follow-up on his prior book Human Entrance to Transhumanism.
Transhumanism is a movement which aims to remake humanity through technology.
In James own words, "looking at the long imperial history of the plantation, we can witness the process that underlies ‘progress’ towards global governance. The study, language and practice of controlling plants has driven models of imperial development. We will soon live in a planetary plantation aswe experience implantation. The objective of the Plantation of the Automatons is the utter control and management of human consciousness as part of a system in which those who are allowed to survive are mere conscious agents.
On this timely, not-to-be missed episode James will guide us through this dark, but lamentably true agenda, but always have heart ... victory has already been assured for those who align on the right side of history!
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Catch Barre and Deb Lando on The Gardening Summit. Use code DEBORAH for discount to own entire summit. https://alfavedic.com/gardening
Join Mike in Nashville this June. Use code ALFAVEDIC to get 5% off.
Music and Sky Tickets Now Avail!
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Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
#185 - Reclaiming The Narrative w/ Chance Garton
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
While our trusted institutions and legacy media effort tirelessly to establish the final cornerstone of a virtual panopticon to better manage those pesky herds, something else is happening.
Decades of logical fallacies propagated under an ever-thinning altruistic veneer has become too difficult to swallow even for the uninitiated. Truth abhors a void, and a new warrior class has emerged to validate the metaphoric dictum that the emperor, indeed, has no clothes.
On this Alfacast we're excited to host Chance Garton, who can be counted amongst this new generation of intrepid seekers daring to counter the mainstream narrative with classical logic corroborated by voluminous evidence and critical thought.
Chance Garton is the host of the InnerVerse Podcast, a show dedicated to empowering your perspective to help you stay in the flow of perpetual synchronicity. Chance is adept in a variety of areas, but most significantly interested in the technology of language.
From teaching about the ways our body’s innate intelligence is speaking to us, to the mysteries of linguistics that show the essential unity of all spiritual traditions, Chance is a true Logophile and proponent of using awareness and self-honesty as the primary means to building health, resilience, and success in all aspects of life.
Chance is also an aura technician in the Biofield tuning style, working with clients every week to help them discover and reclaim their power from limiting beliefs about themselves and unconscious expectations about life.
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Join Mike in Nashville this June. Use code ALFAVEDIC to get 5% off.
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Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
#184 - In Joyous Reverence Of Breath w/ Kaya Leigh
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
Kaya Leigh is the Founder and Director of Sacred Breath Academy, an established leader in the Breathwork field for over 7 years, with more than 500 Sacred Breath Facilitators around the globe, on 6 continents, and over 45 countries (and counting).
"Breathwork is the key to unlocking the grail within."
As the Creator of The Sacred Breath Method™, Kaya stewards a modern-day Feminine Mystery School, and supports thousands of women globally through sacred feminine embodiment, trauma release, womb healing and full-spectrum reclamation.
"Sacred Breath Academy is a Modern-Day Mystery School that preserves a large body of Wisdom Teachings, synthesizing both ancient and modern knowledge into powerfully-unified transmissions."
Kaya is an International Teacher, Speaker and Trainer who has traveled the world extensively to share her training in Emotional Intelligence, Somatic Experiencing, Polyvagal Theory, Compassionate Inquiry, Conscious Communication, the Subconscious Domain, Trauma & Nervous System Awareness, and much more.
"Before we may harness any kind of collective change, we must first live and embody that change within ourselves."
While crafting sacred and transformative containers for over a decade, supporting thousands of people all over the world, Kaya's life’s work exists for one essential reason: to guide others home to themselves so that they may fully reclaim who they are on the deepest levels.
The Sacred Breath Method facilitates expanded states of consciousness to establish new neural pathways in the cultivation of emotional intelligence, somatic healing, soul retrieval, and the integration of the knowing that you are a multidimensional, whole, and sacred being.
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Join Mike in Nashville this June. Use code ALFAVEDIC to get 5% off.
Music and Sky Tickets Now Avail!
Follow Alfa Vedic: https://linktr.ee/alfavedic
Follow Mike Winner: https://linktr.ee/djmikewinner

Friday Apr 14, 2023
#183 - Scripture In The Stars w/ Marty Leeds
Friday Apr 14, 2023
Friday Apr 14, 2023
We always look forward to our enlightening chats with good Alfacast compatriot, Marty Leeds, and this one will definitely be special. The ever-present stellar canopy just overhead has quite a story to tell, and master-decoder Marty Leeds is our go-to man to decipher what the Sky Clock is trying to tell us.
Marty's new book, Scripture in the Stars does just that, as it takes the reader through a journey of the Bible like they have never had before. Linking the stories of the Good Book to the constellations in our night skies, this book unveils the deeply spiritual and celestial meanings of the ancient biblical tales.
Every chapter uncovers for the reader, step by step, how the stories of the Old and New Testament are found in the celestial characters, symbols and animals above our heads. Scripture in the Stars is easy to read, full of large graphics for reference and study, and is a must have for any serious religious student.
Past interviews with Marty have traversed through a diversity of subject matter from Gnostic Christianity, to the mathematics, symbolism, astrology, and mysticism encoded within the Bible.
Marty always brings it, and this episode is one not to be missed!
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Join Mike in Nashville this June. Use code ALFAVEDIC to get 5% off.
Music and Sky Tickets Now Avail!
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Monday Apr 10, 2023
Monday Apr 10, 2023
The Alfa Vedic permaculture-based Co-Op is on a twofold mission. AV Garden's farm-based business was designed to provide a replicable, self-funding prototype, as our contribution to the imperative need for a decentralized culture built upon a foundation of conscious communities.
Secondly, we understand the import of creating a global talent pool of experts in the fields of biodynamic agriculture, alternative building and Bioterrain Medicine. In recent months Alfa cast has entertained a steady stream of innovators from far-off lands including those industrious souls making change happen right here in the lower 50.
On this Alfacast we continue the timely thread with renown bio-architect Paul "River" Richardson and his partner and hemp visionary Imani Mamalution, the creators of Haven Earth and the Haven Earth Trade School.
"Our responsibility as designers, builders and consumers is to make the changes we wish to see in the world.”
Paul is an international pioneer in the bio-architecture space with an uncanny ability to translate his long career in the design and construction industry into regenerative building solutions. Imani is a mother, educator and author who homeschooled her 5 homebirthed daughters in her organic cafe over a decade ago. Together, they have created a comprehensive online course that takes you step-by-step through the process of building with Hempcrete.
"At Haven Earth you'll master the art of Hemp Building with beautiful, ecological designs that inspire how we dwell on the planet and work towards localized agrarian models that support a cohesive move back to the land."
Imani & Paul are freedom-loving pioneers who believe the best way to secure our sovereignty is through innovation, problem-solving and up-leveling our skills that are required for the times ahead, so that the old system becomes obsolete.
"We are passionate about educating and inspiring people of all ages to build a future that honors nature's principles and serves the highest good of all. It's not just about returning to the land, but how we do it that matters."
Show links:
Join Mike in Nashville this June. Use code ALFAVEDIC to get 5% off.
Music and Sky Tickets Now Avail! https://musicandsky.com
Follow Alfa Vedic: https://linktr.ee/alfavedic
Follow Mike Winner: https://linktr.ee/djmikewinner

Saturday Apr 01, 2023
#181 - The Holography Of Our Terrain w/ Josh and Adam Bigelsen
Saturday Apr 01, 2023
Saturday Apr 01, 2023
Josh & Adam Bigelsen are back to further share the pioneering work of their father, Harvey Bigelsen MD, and how they are continuing the family legacy through the Bigelsen Method.
Our father believed he was a medical detective and firmly believed if you cannot figure out the cause of dis-ease, then you are just guessing at how to create wellness.
Based on 40 years of observable patterns discovered through Live Cell Microscopy, the Bigelsen Method is a way to discover the root cause of the body’s imbalance, while giving hope to a world too long confined within an archaic medical matrix.
The root cause is not a germ! It's an imbalance in your TERRAIN.
Dr. Bigelsen learned how to interpret images created by the blood in order to understand a person's total health. He found that blood, like water, is a messenger of a person's emotion and consciousness. Imagine that from one drop of blood you can see into how your body is reacting both physically and emotionally.
You are a SPIRITUAL, EMOTIONAL, and PHYSICAL being and your health is a balance of these realms. “Blockages” from surgeries, injuries, birth trauma, emotional trauma, etc. in any one, or more of these areas may eventuate in dis-ease. Depending on how longstanding and what the trauma or issue may be, your Holographic Blood® holds the TRUTH and the KEY to decoding the hidden messages within you.
Eastern philosophy believes there are holograms in the eye, ear, foot, and tongue. The same can be said for the blood. Outside of the basics such as red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, etc…, the blood shows holographic images which may show disturbance fields.
This discussion couldn't be more timely, and we promise, this episode will forever change how you view your body and health.
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Thursday Mar 23, 2023
#180 - Resilient Living Through Biomimicry w/ Alësha Lynov
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
On this Alfacast we welcome natural builder, designer, and inventor Alësha Lynov to the Alfa Vedic family and its efforts to reclaim our world through conscious building, 7 generational agriculture and medicine without violence.
Since 2007 Alësha has been developing living habitats that merge nature in a curvilinear interactive play space as a cohesive Bio Shelter Organism. His innovative dwellings are constructed to both protect and nourish, while being able to withstand weather extremes without conventional heating and minimal inputs whilst UPcycling and reusing all of its waste outputs.
"Transform our children’s education experience in a warm womb like atmosphere so they can take the reins of the future world that most of us are going to REINCARNATE BACK INTO."
Alësha's fully autonomous homes are a synthesis of some of the greatest minds in the fields of eco-construction, as well as his own journey through homesteading that render his creations impervious to the harsh climatic conditions of his home country of Russia.
Please join in on this very special episode as Alësha shares his lifelong mission and dream to create an experimental LAB training students in functional hands-on building techniques creatively infused with the laws of physics, biology, bio geometry, biomimicry, and soil regeneration to develop self-regenerative living habitats for the future of humankind.
Show links:
Alësha's gift: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyLzr0zruXQ
Music and Sky Tickets Now Avail!
Follow Alfa Vedic: https://linktr.ee/djmikewinner
Follow Mike Winner: https://linktr.ee/djmikewinner

Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
#179 - The Scientism Slight Of Hand w/ Matt Presti
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
On this episode return guest Matt Presti & the Alfacast crew further dissect the nature of our reality from the perspective of luminary Walter Russell, the most famous man you’ve never heard of.
Matt's brilliant documentary, Dispelling Dimensional Madness, makes the strong case that reality is NOT a dimension. Rather, it HAS dimension. This treatise was created to take down the "belief" in higher dimensions. The fraud of the age fueled by gnosticism, mythematics, new-age scientism and unthinking adherents to this cult of fiction are summarily deposed in this most enlightening presentation.
"You cannot THINK how to KNOW.
You cannot ACT how to THINK.
But you can KNOW how to THINK & ACT.” ~ Matt Presti
Matt Presti is a renown Metascientist, Musician, Patriot, Philosopher, Poet, Practitioner of Universal Law, Natural Science and Living Philosophy, Audio and Video Producer, Broadcaster, and Host of The Exploration of Consciousness (TEC). Former Director of Operations and President of The University of Science and Philosophy (formerly the Walter Russell Foundation) January 1st,2015-August 10th, 2021. Currently CEO of Universal Power, LLC. Volunteer firefighter on Montauk Rural Fire Department in Dent County, Missouri and Rockfish Valley Volunteer Fire Department in Nelson County, VA.
Walter Russell put the CREATOR back into CREATION
Strap in as we challenge the foundational gatekeeper mythology, and further expose the religious zealotry now operating under the guise of Science.
Get 20% off all Walter Russell purchases throughout the month of March at https://philosophy.org with the code ALFA20
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Music and Sky Early Bird Tickets Now Avail For Members!
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Friday Mar 10, 2023
#178 - The Nature Of Reality w/ Dawn Lester & David Parker
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Return guests and valued members of the Alfa Vedic community Dawn Lester & David Parker are back for this episode, and we couldn't be more thrilled. Their recent masterpiece, What Really Makes You Ill was a paradigm-shifter, and in perfect timing to mitigate the medical fear mythology of recent years.
Dawn & David's other co-authorship, The Nature of Reality, takes you beyond the Illness-Contagion narrative to dissect the most colossal illusion of all. Amidst the endless speculation of the philosophers, empiricists and metaphysicians throughout the ages they've concluded that "It's stranger than you can imagine!"
Life doesn’t need to be hard, and it doesn’t need to be complicated either, but to experience life in this way requires an understanding of how our everyday reality works.
The Nature of Reality shows that our personal experiences are also under our own control, and that that ‘consciousness’ is a vital element in understanding the true nature of reality that will completely change your view of who you think you are and what life really is.
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Music and Sky Early Bird Tickets Now Avail For Members!